Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What A Flu(ke) (01/19/2015)

If December's colors are green and red and February's colors are red and pink, then January's colors are queeziness and vomiting! 

And man, you can color me unimpressed!

What's with the stomach bug that's going around Ada, Oklahoma?? Has Ebola hit Oklahoma yet? I pondered on that very thought while I was groaning in the bathroom in church. I can't tell if my immune system will be shot by the end of my mission or if being in Oklahoma has vastly strengthened my immunities. Heavenly Father, with all these afflictions there better be some good blessings! Starting with an improved immune system!

Anyway, it's been a while since I've been THAT kind of sick. It took a lot out of our week, but regardless we still had lots of good things happen.

On Monday we drove to Ardmore and through—wait for it—SULPHUR. But we didn't have time to do anything there, so we only drove through it...sad. Once we got to Ardmore we went to Confetti's new building (which was hard trying to find because I only knew where the old building was!) and played "walking football," which is pretty much football on floor pads with no running allowed. It was quite hilarious. Since we couldn't run we all looked like zombies as we screamed and tackled each other trying to grab the football. The end zones were the yellow-colored floor pads and the bouncy slide. Oh my, I loved it. That's skinny man's football! 

The next day we had a two and a half hour long lesson with an investigator family. They had lots of questions. I never thought someone could have so many questions about the Plan of Salvation. It sure gave us a lot to think about afterwards. For the Buckmaster FHE on Wednesday we played Sheriff of Nottingham to get Elder Tanner introduced to it. Along with it we taught about missionary work, and it turns out they are really good about sharing the gospel with their old-time cronies. No updates on their 9-year old's romantic crush. That's a GOOD thing, y'all.

And Thursday was when all the sickness came crashing in. Fortunately I made it through our Ingram FHE and a lesson we had with Zavior. On Friday our district leader gave me permission to come to district meeting in my sweats and moccasins. By the end of the meeting I felt a little ridiculous and out of place, but it sure felt comfortable! Later on that day we got dropped by a new investigator named Dennis that we found on Wednesday. We texted him to confirm a follow-up appointment, but he told us to not waste our time with him. In response we invited him to church and told him to try it out, then we asked him if he knew of anyone we could teach. In response he told us he had a friend and his daughter that are looking for a church that he wanted us to visit. Here's the kicker: When he told us he wanted us to see them, he said his reasoning was, "I think y'all's church is the best!"  I mean WHAT THE HECK?! 

Why was Dennis exercising his agency so poorly?? If he likes it so much then why doesn't he come?? That's one I won't be able to understand. Hopefully his friend will want to act on our message. Too bad Dennis got axed. 

On Saturday we went out with the Lemmerts to see a couple families living on the outskirts of Pontotoc County. It was wild. Listening to old people talk is so amusing. They talk about the funniest things sometimes. They talk about black and white TV shows, their first and second marriages, their careers they had for 50 years, the conversations they had with so-and-so 30 years ago, on and on. It's one part of life I haven't experienced yet! Anyway, fun times. Sunday I stayed home all day. My stomach pain spiked, so I went into recliner-rest that day (the other elder didn't want me to sleep in his bed!) and Elder Tanner killed it with our appointments that I couldn't be there for. Elder Tanner and the member he went on splits with had an amazing lesson with Zavior and his mother, Memory. We'd been trying to meet with both of them, but scheduling conflicts kept coming up, so we could only meet with Zavior. She confessed the she was the reason Zavior wasn't at church that Sunday. She wanted to spend time with him (spend time at church! Haha), but she sat in on the lesson and felt the spirit very strongly and wanted to learn more about the gospel and about what Zavior was learning. She's making this more of a priority now, which is good. 

And I'm getting better, which is also good. Our upcoming week should be eventful as well. Have an awesome week!

Elder Garner

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