Monday, January 5, 2015

Open the Gift (12/29/2014)

Monday was our Specialized Training over in Pauls Valley. We talked about teaching our investigators had to have more meaningful prayers, more insightful scripture study, and more spiritual Sabbath days. Doing all those things together is so essential for building a testimony of the gospel. If you leave one of them out, your testimony crumbles.

Tuesday was fantastic. We found several potential investigators that day and invited them to watch He Is The Gift and the share it with others. Later on we went to Book of Mormon class, and no one besides the missionaries had shown up! So we all decided to go caroling instead. The Lemmerts decided to go home and make cookies instead. Boo! We went around to different members of the ward and sang to them to brighten their Christmas season. We also did it because we all sang in sacrament on Sunday! Good thing there were 10 other people to cover up my voice... ;)  

And then the holiday festivities began. On Christmas Eve we had two dinners and spent most of the day with the Buckmasters playing board games. We promised them we'd spend some time with them during the holidays since we couldn't proselyte both the 24th and the 25th. Christmas Day was a repeat of the 24th: more food, more board games, more time with members, it was fantastic. But of course, I can't forget the nice chat I had with my family over Skype. We went over to the Lemmert's apartment to skype. We also got to eat breakfast there as well. We were definitely showered with gifts and blessings!

Saturday was super busy! Probably the busiest day out here in Ada. I felt like a missionary in Utah running from appointment to appointment and worrying about the time. We taught Levi, the 8-year old the asked for the Bible. We taught him the Restoration, and he wants to be baptized! After that we ate at Rib Crib for lunch. Then afterwards we went to another appointment for Ashley, our recent convert. Our plan was to teach her the commandments, but we instead ended up teaching one of Ashley's brother-in-law's friends, who's 12-years old. His grandparents are LDS, and he had a lot of questions. He's very smart for 12-years old, and he wants to be baptized and serve a mission! Get this: his name is Zavior. Sound like "Savior" to anyone? We thought that was sweet. He's prepared. We made it up to Ashley and taught her the commandments the next day.  

Church was pretty great. We sang and stuff. I think I did okay. I hope we sang loud enough, but then again I wouldn't be upset if no one heard me :) So basically... I hope each of you had a very Merry Christmas. Finish the year off with joy in your heart for the things you accomplished in 2014, and have a happy New Year!

Elder Garner

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