Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our Journey in the Wilderness (01/12/2015)

Another transfer has come and gone! President Walkenhorst described this transfer as an "atomic bomb," and it really was. He informed us that transfers on Wednesday was the largest transfer he's ever had. I got to see all, but one of my old companions there, so I got to catch up with a lot of them.

On P-day we played our usual game of Risk Legacy. Today we get to go to Confetti in Ardmore! I haven't been there in over a year! And I am so looking forward to the drive through Sulphur. Sister Moore, one of the new sister missionaries that got transferred to Ada, and I have been talking up Sulphur so much. We both miss it there. Such a memorable area. Later on that Monday we got to meet Zavior's mom, Memory. Kind of an interesting name... She's really neat though. She's a hard-working single mother, and loves the Lord.

Tuesday we spent most of the day saying goodbye to people that Elder Fuller wanted to see. We ate at the Schuette's home for dinner that night. It's a tradition that every Tuesday before transfers the Schuette's feed the transferring missionaries their favorite meal and dessert. I got in trouble though because I ate the dessert first! Sorry, Mom, I should have abided by your health guidelines!
Later on we taught Book of Mormon class on 1st Nephi 17 about Lehi's family's journeying in the wilderness. Nephi's attitude and outlook on life is so much different and stark than Laman and Lemuel's point of view. I learned a lot just from teaching about the chapter. Their journey in the wilderness is very similar to our walk in life. We can take things in stride and make the most of our situations, or we can gripe about our circumstances and be miserable. It's really up to us on what we want to think and become.

Transfers were fantastic. This was my favorite transfer yet. I met my new companion, Elder Tanner, from Centerville, Utah. He's going to BYU this August, which thrills me. I've only had two other companions that went to BYU with me. At transfers I got to see all but one of my old companions that are still out here in Oklahoma. I got to talk to Elder Zeyer and Elder Hoddy about their leadership positions--Elder Zeyer as an Assistant to the President and Elder Hoddy as a Zone Leader. They're such great examples for the mission. I got to catch up with Elder Bolan about his area following Mustang 1st. He got transferred to Anadarko and replaced Elder Tanner, who came to Ada to be my companion. Elder Garcia is training a new missionary down in Altus. The dry desert of Altus is getting some fresh missionary blood! And Elder Wilkes still singing it up while going to a new area...all good things going on with them.

Two of our recent converts got their new member discussions all finished up. Zavior, our twelve-year old, is progressing rather well. His baptismal date for the 31st of January is still on. We've been trying to teach Memory, his mother, but things have kept coming up, so we haven't as of yet had the chance. Funny story... On Saturday we had FHE at the Buckmasters. Elder Tanner got initiated into the Buckmaster home by playing a game of Lifeboats with us. It was pretty epic. But then I found out that I have a secret admirer. Their 9-year old daughter gave me a note that said "You are the 'won' I had a 'crosh' on." Oh my goodness, it was hilarious more than anything! She told me she had a crush on me, but then had to switch to Elder Fuller. As soon as he got transferred she switched back to me. Haha the way she explained it to me just made me laugh. Pre-decade logic...ha.

It was a very eventful week, and this next week should be the same. This Wednesday I get to talk to President Walkenhorst about BYU stuff. That should be interesting. Elder Tanner should be having some baptisms in Anadarko soon, and when he does I'll get to see Elder Bolan again! I'd love that very much. Anyway, I hope each of you have a wonderful week filled with miracles!

Elder Garner

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