Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Okie Talkers FTW! (01/26/2015)

Oklahoma is such a wonderful state to have an interesting and entertaining conversation. This week is going to consist of mostly funny stories, but I promise there's spirituality in there as well.

Monday was a little different. The Ingrams couldn't do our usual FHE, so we did it with another family, the Priens. That was pretty fun. We talked about Helaman 5 and about the things their father wanted them to remember. And good news! Two out of the four Ingram household came to church Sunday! YEAH! That was a miracle. Not just that, but we got Sister Ingram's twin, Sister Duffy, to come to church as well! She's a recent convert of about a year, and she hadn't come in quite some time because of medical problems. 

My bad, I'm getting ahead of myself. I have to build up this week before I start getting into the miracles. Tuesday was interesting. I figured out that I curse every single mission vehicle that I drive. We had to take our car to three different tire shops in town because the first two couldn't service the car and get done what was supposed to be done. Even the Mazda back home didn't have this many problems, and I took less care of that car than I do the mission cars! Anyway, we finally got to the dealership and set an appointment for Friday. That day we took the car in right after district meeting and lunch. We were there for three stinkin hours...and no one was in the waiting room so we couldn't preach love and peace to the fellow Ada-ites that had malfunctioning vehicles. But at least the car got fixed!

On Wednesday we talked about the refiner's fire with the Buckmasters. We discussed it for a long time. After that we got introduced to Long Shot, a board game about horse racing. Are we in Oklahoma? After that we had a neat lesson with an investigator named Genan that we met some time back after showing "He Is The Gift." We talked about the Restoration, and while we were there the member we brought suddenly talked about eternal marriage. It was interesting talking about that, but it piqued her interest. 

Thursday we helped a member move some stuff to her shed. Did I ever tell yall about Priscilla, the needy cat that likes to meow constantly and follow us around everywhere? Anyway, we did some service for Priscilla's owner, Sister Harvey. That was fun. Later on that night we went to visit a less-active part-member family, the Ardens. The husband is a member, but the wife isn't. Interestingly enough, the wife's mom is a member that lives here in Ada. Normally Sister Arden is very turned off towards missionaries coming over. However, when we went to their house Brother Arden wasn't home, and when Sister Arden answered the door she stood there and talked to us and joked with us for half an hour! And she gave us free food! It was a miracle. I'd never seen her like that before. Missionaries have taught her multiple times, maybe we'll be the set that makes it happen?

Saturday was a weird day. We were enlisted by the other set of elders to go to the Chickasaw hospital to give one of their investigators a blessing. We were there for three hours. That was not supposed to happen. She ordered food for us and the food took forever to get there! She was hilarious. We would talk about the priesthood with her and about the restoration and she would pretend like she knew what we were taking about but didn't (it was her medication, we think). And whenever she cracked a joke she'd open her mouth really wide and go "uh-HUH uh-HUH uh-HUH!" and it made us all laugh. Later on we taught on older Baptist lady named Anna. We talked about the Restoration. We're like, "So how did you know that Moses was a prophet?" 

"Oh he was just such a good man, and I read it in the Bible!" she says. 

"Okay, so how are you going to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet?" we ask. 

"Well I don't know!" 

"The same way you found out Moses was a prophet! Do you remember how you found out Moses was a prophet?" 

"Well you just told me he was!" she said. HA. The Holy Ghost is definitely going to have to bring some things back to her remembrance! Ahhh funny... #80YearOldBaptists. 

After the hospital trip and before that lesson we tried visiting a single sister with the other elders, but she wasn't home. So we decided to run and jump across her hay bales. I have pictures to prove it. Probably the most thrilling hillbilly thing I've done.

But the most thrilling thing that happened this week was getting Zavior to come to church! He came once before, but only for sacrament meeting. But this week he was stuck, he couldn't go anywhere! So he had to go to second and third hours of sacrament. We spent all three hours with him so he'd feel comfortable. His School teacher wasn't there, so we ended up teaching the 12-14 year old class. We had each of the other kids talk about their baptism and give Zavior advice for preparing. After that we brought him to Deacons Quorum. He loved it! And he made so many new friends! He decided right then and there that he wanted to come to the Priesthood broadcast at the church that happened later on that day, and he decided he wanted to go to mutual on Wednesdays, join Boy Scouts, and go on the campout in a couple weeks! His attitude towards church made a complete 180 in the course of three hours. 

To end our event-filled week, we gave the sacrament to three families in between church and between the priesthood meeting. Pretty neat experience. I haven't given the sacrament to that many homebound people before. It was awesome. Didn't I tell you last week that the next week would be exciting and amazing? Look at that, y'all.

Elder Garner

Oh and P.S., here's our hay bale jumping. This is Oklahoma at its finest. 

1) I tried taking selfies while jumping. Not recommended. You can see my shadow doing it.
2) It's-a-me! Elder Garner!
3) Elder Tanner's ticklish! 

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