Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Okie Talkers FTW! (01/26/2015)

Oklahoma is such a wonderful state to have an interesting and entertaining conversation. This week is going to consist of mostly funny stories, but I promise there's spirituality in there as well.

Monday was a little different. The Ingrams couldn't do our usual FHE, so we did it with another family, the Priens. That was pretty fun. We talked about Helaman 5 and about the things their father wanted them to remember. And good news! Two out of the four Ingram household came to church Sunday! YEAH! That was a miracle. Not just that, but we got Sister Ingram's twin, Sister Duffy, to come to church as well! She's a recent convert of about a year, and she hadn't come in quite some time because of medical problems. 

My bad, I'm getting ahead of myself. I have to build up this week before I start getting into the miracles. Tuesday was interesting. I figured out that I curse every single mission vehicle that I drive. We had to take our car to three different tire shops in town because the first two couldn't service the car and get done what was supposed to be done. Even the Mazda back home didn't have this many problems, and I took less care of that car than I do the mission cars! Anyway, we finally got to the dealership and set an appointment for Friday. That day we took the car in right after district meeting and lunch. We were there for three stinkin hours...and no one was in the waiting room so we couldn't preach love and peace to the fellow Ada-ites that had malfunctioning vehicles. But at least the car got fixed!

On Wednesday we talked about the refiner's fire with the Buckmasters. We discussed it for a long time. After that we got introduced to Long Shot, a board game about horse racing. Are we in Oklahoma? After that we had a neat lesson with an investigator named Genan that we met some time back after showing "He Is The Gift." We talked about the Restoration, and while we were there the member we brought suddenly talked about eternal marriage. It was interesting talking about that, but it piqued her interest. 

Thursday we helped a member move some stuff to her shed. Did I ever tell yall about Priscilla, the needy cat that likes to meow constantly and follow us around everywhere? Anyway, we did some service for Priscilla's owner, Sister Harvey. That was fun. Later on that night we went to visit a less-active part-member family, the Ardens. The husband is a member, but the wife isn't. Interestingly enough, the wife's mom is a member that lives here in Ada. Normally Sister Arden is very turned off towards missionaries coming over. However, when we went to their house Brother Arden wasn't home, and when Sister Arden answered the door she stood there and talked to us and joked with us for half an hour! And she gave us free food! It was a miracle. I'd never seen her like that before. Missionaries have taught her multiple times, maybe we'll be the set that makes it happen?

Saturday was a weird day. We were enlisted by the other set of elders to go to the Chickasaw hospital to give one of their investigators a blessing. We were there for three hours. That was not supposed to happen. She ordered food for us and the food took forever to get there! She was hilarious. We would talk about the priesthood with her and about the restoration and she would pretend like she knew what we were taking about but didn't (it was her medication, we think). And whenever she cracked a joke she'd open her mouth really wide and go "uh-HUH uh-HUH uh-HUH!" and it made us all laugh. Later on we taught on older Baptist lady named Anna. We talked about the Restoration. We're like, "So how did you know that Moses was a prophet?" 

"Oh he was just such a good man, and I read it in the Bible!" she says. 

"Okay, so how are you going to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet?" we ask. 

"Well I don't know!" 

"The same way you found out Moses was a prophet! Do you remember how you found out Moses was a prophet?" 

"Well you just told me he was!" she said. HA. The Holy Ghost is definitely going to have to bring some things back to her remembrance! Ahhh funny... #80YearOldBaptists. 

After the hospital trip and before that lesson we tried visiting a single sister with the other elders, but she wasn't home. So we decided to run and jump across her hay bales. I have pictures to prove it. Probably the most thrilling hillbilly thing I've done.

But the most thrilling thing that happened this week was getting Zavior to come to church! He came once before, but only for sacrament meeting. But this week he was stuck, he couldn't go anywhere! So he had to go to second and third hours of sacrament. We spent all three hours with him so he'd feel comfortable. His School teacher wasn't there, so we ended up teaching the 12-14 year old class. We had each of the other kids talk about their baptism and give Zavior advice for preparing. After that we brought him to Deacons Quorum. He loved it! And he made so many new friends! He decided right then and there that he wanted to come to the Priesthood broadcast at the church that happened later on that day, and he decided he wanted to go to mutual on Wednesdays, join Boy Scouts, and go on the campout in a couple weeks! His attitude towards church made a complete 180 in the course of three hours. 

To end our event-filled week, we gave the sacrament to three families in between church and between the priesthood meeting. Pretty neat experience. I haven't given the sacrament to that many homebound people before. It was awesome. Didn't I tell you last week that the next week would be exciting and amazing? Look at that, y'all.

Elder Garner

Oh and P.S., here's our hay bale jumping. This is Oklahoma at its finest. 

1) I tried taking selfies while jumping. Not recommended. You can see my shadow doing it.
2) It's-a-me! Elder Garner!
3) Elder Tanner's ticklish! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What A Flu(ke) (01/19/2015)

If December's colors are green and red and February's colors are red and pink, then January's colors are queeziness and vomiting! 

And man, you can color me unimpressed!

What's with the stomach bug that's going around Ada, Oklahoma?? Has Ebola hit Oklahoma yet? I pondered on that very thought while I was groaning in the bathroom in church. I can't tell if my immune system will be shot by the end of my mission or if being in Oklahoma has vastly strengthened my immunities. Heavenly Father, with all these afflictions there better be some good blessings! Starting with an improved immune system!

Anyway, it's been a while since I've been THAT kind of sick. It took a lot out of our week, but regardless we still had lots of good things happen.

On Monday we drove to Ardmore and through—wait for it—SULPHUR. But we didn't have time to do anything there, so we only drove through it...sad. Once we got to Ardmore we went to Confetti's new building (which was hard trying to find because I only knew where the old building was!) and played "walking football," which is pretty much football on floor pads with no running allowed. It was quite hilarious. Since we couldn't run we all looked like zombies as we screamed and tackled each other trying to grab the football. The end zones were the yellow-colored floor pads and the bouncy slide. Oh my, I loved it. That's skinny man's football! 

The next day we had a two and a half hour long lesson with an investigator family. They had lots of questions. I never thought someone could have so many questions about the Plan of Salvation. It sure gave us a lot to think about afterwards. For the Buckmaster FHE on Wednesday we played Sheriff of Nottingham to get Elder Tanner introduced to it. Along with it we taught about missionary work, and it turns out they are really good about sharing the gospel with their old-time cronies. No updates on their 9-year old's romantic crush. That's a GOOD thing, y'all.

And Thursday was when all the sickness came crashing in. Fortunately I made it through our Ingram FHE and a lesson we had with Zavior. On Friday our district leader gave me permission to come to district meeting in my sweats and moccasins. By the end of the meeting I felt a little ridiculous and out of place, but it sure felt comfortable! Later on that day we got dropped by a new investigator named Dennis that we found on Wednesday. We texted him to confirm a follow-up appointment, but he told us to not waste our time with him. In response we invited him to church and told him to try it out, then we asked him if he knew of anyone we could teach. In response he told us he had a friend and his daughter that are looking for a church that he wanted us to visit. Here's the kicker: When he told us he wanted us to see them, he said his reasoning was, "I think y'all's church is the best!"  I mean WHAT THE HECK?! 

Why was Dennis exercising his agency so poorly?? If he likes it so much then why doesn't he come?? That's one I won't be able to understand. Hopefully his friend will want to act on our message. Too bad Dennis got axed. 

On Saturday we went out with the Lemmerts to see a couple families living on the outskirts of Pontotoc County. It was wild. Listening to old people talk is so amusing. They talk about the funniest things sometimes. They talk about black and white TV shows, their first and second marriages, their careers they had for 50 years, the conversations they had with so-and-so 30 years ago, on and on. It's one part of life I haven't experienced yet! Anyway, fun times. Sunday I stayed home all day. My stomach pain spiked, so I went into recliner-rest that day (the other elder didn't want me to sleep in his bed!) and Elder Tanner killed it with our appointments that I couldn't be there for. Elder Tanner and the member he went on splits with had an amazing lesson with Zavior and his mother, Memory. We'd been trying to meet with both of them, but scheduling conflicts kept coming up, so we could only meet with Zavior. She confessed the she was the reason Zavior wasn't at church that Sunday. She wanted to spend time with him (spend time at church! Haha), but she sat in on the lesson and felt the spirit very strongly and wanted to learn more about the gospel and about what Zavior was learning. She's making this more of a priority now, which is good. 

And I'm getting better, which is also good. Our upcoming week should be eventful as well. Have an awesome week!

Elder Garner

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our Journey in the Wilderness (01/12/2015)

Another transfer has come and gone! President Walkenhorst described this transfer as an "atomic bomb," and it really was. He informed us that transfers on Wednesday was the largest transfer he's ever had. I got to see all, but one of my old companions there, so I got to catch up with a lot of them.

On P-day we played our usual game of Risk Legacy. Today we get to go to Confetti in Ardmore! I haven't been there in over a year! And I am so looking forward to the drive through Sulphur. Sister Moore, one of the new sister missionaries that got transferred to Ada, and I have been talking up Sulphur so much. We both miss it there. Such a memorable area. Later on that Monday we got to meet Zavior's mom, Memory. Kind of an interesting name... She's really neat though. She's a hard-working single mother, and loves the Lord.

Tuesday we spent most of the day saying goodbye to people that Elder Fuller wanted to see. We ate at the Schuette's home for dinner that night. It's a tradition that every Tuesday before transfers the Schuette's feed the transferring missionaries their favorite meal and dessert. I got in trouble though because I ate the dessert first! Sorry, Mom, I should have abided by your health guidelines!
Later on we taught Book of Mormon class on 1st Nephi 17 about Lehi's family's journeying in the wilderness. Nephi's attitude and outlook on life is so much different and stark than Laman and Lemuel's point of view. I learned a lot just from teaching about the chapter. Their journey in the wilderness is very similar to our walk in life. We can take things in stride and make the most of our situations, or we can gripe about our circumstances and be miserable. It's really up to us on what we want to think and become.

Transfers were fantastic. This was my favorite transfer yet. I met my new companion, Elder Tanner, from Centerville, Utah. He's going to BYU this August, which thrills me. I've only had two other companions that went to BYU with me. At transfers I got to see all but one of my old companions that are still out here in Oklahoma. I got to talk to Elder Zeyer and Elder Hoddy about their leadership positions--Elder Zeyer as an Assistant to the President and Elder Hoddy as a Zone Leader. They're such great examples for the mission. I got to catch up with Elder Bolan about his area following Mustang 1st. He got transferred to Anadarko and replaced Elder Tanner, who came to Ada to be my companion. Elder Garcia is training a new missionary down in Altus. The dry desert of Altus is getting some fresh missionary blood! And Elder Wilkes still singing it up while going to a new area...all good things going on with them.

Two of our recent converts got their new member discussions all finished up. Zavior, our twelve-year old, is progressing rather well. His baptismal date for the 31st of January is still on. We've been trying to teach Memory, his mother, but things have kept coming up, so we haven't as of yet had the chance. Funny story... On Saturday we had FHE at the Buckmasters. Elder Tanner got initiated into the Buckmaster home by playing a game of Lifeboats with us. It was pretty epic. But then I found out that I have a secret admirer. Their 9-year old daughter gave me a note that said "You are the 'won' I had a 'crosh' on." Oh my goodness, it was hilarious more than anything! She told me she had a crush on me, but then had to switch to Elder Fuller. As soon as he got transferred she switched back to me. Haha the way she explained it to me just made me laugh. Pre-decade logic...ha.

It was a very eventful week, and this next week should be the same. This Wednesday I get to talk to President Walkenhorst about BYU stuff. That should be interesting. Elder Tanner should be having some baptisms in Anadarko soon, and when he does I'll get to see Elder Bolan again! I'd love that very much. Anyway, I hope each of you have a wonderful week filled with miracles!

Elder Garner

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Year of the Mission: Accomplished (01/05/2015)

I always referred to the year 2014 as "the year of the mission" because I would literally spend the whole year preaching the gospel, and that's what happened! 2014 was just an incredible year to sum it up. There was the final weeks in Sulphur, getting to serve in the metro in Mustang in the southwest Oklahoma City area. Then moving from Mustang in the middle of the humid summer to Altus right into the desert. Trainings, temple trips, zone conferences, transfers, and all kinds of missionary memories.

It's sad to think that with 2015 here the end is in sight more than ever. We have transfers this week. Elder Fuller's going up to the city in Edmond. I'm getting an Elder Tanner. He will possibly be my last companion. From the moment I left Altus, I was convinced that Ada would be my final area and would seal my fate for the rest of my mission.

So without trying to think about the remaining weeks of the mission, allow me now to report on the events of the week with the mindset of many more weeks to come! Our usual Monday and Wednesday FHEs were great. At the Buckmasters we played Evolution, and on New Year's Day (since we couldn't really proselyte) we played Small World. Both really fun games. By the way, I should make everyone aware that we always make sure to teach a lesson and share a scripture before we play any board games with the Buckmasters! Just so there's no confusion there...

Tuesday was pretty interesting. Another random fact about Ada: it's a train station hub. LOTS of trains go in and out of Ada. In fact, there's a four-way stop in Ada on Mississippi and Arlington called "crazy corner," and there's a train track that run right in the middle of it! So there are at least one or two accidents a day that happen there, and it's the most accident-prone intersection in the entire state of Oklahoma. We've almost gotten in a couple of those since I've been here! Anyway, that day we were walking and trying a less active near the train tracks, and the crossing guards kept going up and down! And cars would weave in and out of the crossing guard arms! It was quite the sight.

Our 12-year old investigator, Zavior Willis, is doing well. He's progressing quickly and learning a lot and asking a lot of good questions. He has a baptismal date for the 31st of January. We also picked up a family of three this past week. They had some very intellectual questions about doctrine coming from the Bible. It was a very interesting visit. It certainly kept me on my toes. Luckily we had the bishop there with us, so he had the opportunity to testify of the importance of a modern-day prophet and about receiving revelation.

I left 2014 exhausted, and woke up in 2015 feeling sick! But fortunately we had enough appointments and plans to keep my mind occupied on other things besides my sickness. Friday was scary. President came to our district meeting, and I gave part of the training! I haven't done a training since Altus, but I hardly felt rusty. With President there I could feel the pressure, but I just made sure not to look at him :) Nahhh it was all good.

On Saturday we had plans to go to a sealing for the Schuette family (pronounced "Shooty"), but it postponed due to family adoption complications. We ended up doing service for Bro. Ryan down in Coalgate. We shoveled gravel onto his driveway. It's a loooonnnnggg driveway. Later on we got to watch one of the sisters' investigators get baptized. Really neat stuff. Then Sunday night was our transfer news! The new year's starting off well (besides feeling sick, of course)! I hope y'all had a fantastic New Year's Day!

Elder Garner

Open the Gift (12/29/2014)

Monday was our Specialized Training over in Pauls Valley. We talked about teaching our investigators had to have more meaningful prayers, more insightful scripture study, and more spiritual Sabbath days. Doing all those things together is so essential for building a testimony of the gospel. If you leave one of them out, your testimony crumbles.

Tuesday was fantastic. We found several potential investigators that day and invited them to watch He Is The Gift and the share it with others. Later on we went to Book of Mormon class, and no one besides the missionaries had shown up! So we all decided to go caroling instead. The Lemmerts decided to go home and make cookies instead. Boo! We went around to different members of the ward and sang to them to brighten their Christmas season. We also did it because we all sang in sacrament on Sunday! Good thing there were 10 other people to cover up my voice... ;)  

And then the holiday festivities began. On Christmas Eve we had two dinners and spent most of the day with the Buckmasters playing board games. We promised them we'd spend some time with them during the holidays since we couldn't proselyte both the 24th and the 25th. Christmas Day was a repeat of the 24th: more food, more board games, more time with members, it was fantastic. But of course, I can't forget the nice chat I had with my family over Skype. We went over to the Lemmert's apartment to skype. We also got to eat breakfast there as well. We were definitely showered with gifts and blessings!

Saturday was super busy! Probably the busiest day out here in Ada. I felt like a missionary in Utah running from appointment to appointment and worrying about the time. We taught Levi, the 8-year old the asked for the Bible. We taught him the Restoration, and he wants to be baptized! After that we ate at Rib Crib for lunch. Then afterwards we went to another appointment for Ashley, our recent convert. Our plan was to teach her the commandments, but we instead ended up teaching one of Ashley's brother-in-law's friends, who's 12-years old. His grandparents are LDS, and he had a lot of questions. He's very smart for 12-years old, and he wants to be baptized and serve a mission! Get this: his name is Zavior. Sound like "Savior" to anyone? We thought that was sweet. He's prepared. We made it up to Ashley and taught her the commandments the next day.  

Church was pretty great. We sang and stuff. I think I did okay. I hope we sang loud enough, but then again I wouldn't be upset if no one heard me :) So basically... I hope each of you had a very Merry Christmas. Finish the year off with joy in your heart for the things you accomplished in 2014, and have a happy New Year!

Elder Garner