Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Personification of Death (05/05/2014)

The moral of this week: Wash your hands with soap and sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer or else you will get SICK! 

Why? Because if you don't you will get wrecked by sickness and affliction. 

Okay, obviously there's a backstory behind all this so I'll just say right now that I had strep throat this past week. So yes, wash your hands and take care of yourself so you don't get plagued like I did. 

Thank goodness for connections though. Elder Bolan knows an ENT doctor from the Edmond 3rd ward. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, and they definitely did the trick. I was out the whole week. Sunday was my first day back to the full swing of things. 

In other news, we had Stake Conference this week! We had an area 70 come speak, Elder Hansen. We also heard from President Bean, our Stake President as well as President Walkenhorst and Sister Walkenhorst. All the talks were geared towards temple and missionary work. It sure was a great conference. We also had transfers earlier this week. In hindsight I'm really glad I didn't have to go to transfers, because I didn't want to meet a new companion looking and feeling like death.

Good things will happen this week. I know it! Next week should have more exciting and interesting stuff. Just don't get sick...if you can help it. Thank you for your prayers and support. Time to conquer Mustang!

Elder Garner

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