Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Month of Nostalgia (05/12/2014)

This week I approach the top of hill: my year mark is this Thursday the 15th. This past month I've kept thinking about everything I was doing a year ago: finishing finals at BYU, moving back into the house (for only three weeks!), going down to St. George to visit Kayla, giving my farewell talk (a year ago today), getting set apart, and of course, entering the MTC in Provo. For the first time on my mission I am starting to see the end, which scares me!

So I'll tell you about my week and make the most of it before I no longer have the chance! So Tuesday was pretty...interesting. We got the go-ahead to take our mission car into the dealership. The 2013 Chevy Cruzes have a massive recall because of issues with the front axle. So we took our car in for inspection, and pop goes the weasel, our car gets replaced! So the dealership had to provide us with a rental car. We waited for a couple hours before they had one available. They gave us the first thing that arrived: A tiny, hot-red Chevy Sonic! Raise your hand if you are familiar with what those cars look like. Yeah, we pretty much drive around a Hot Wheels car now. Not sure when we get our normal Chevy Cruze back, but I miss it already. 

On Thursday we went on a quickie exchange with the zone leaders for a few hours. Both sets of us had some cool miracles! We had an amazing visit with a couple inactive members that needed help figuring out their purpose in life, and we had a very spiritual discussion with them. The other set found some great potential investigators for us to visit. On Saturday I got to meet "Terrible" Terry. He's an Okie talker! We spent two hours with him talking about the Restoration! He has so much kindness in his heart and has so much to give to others. He really has little to learn about the gospel--because he lives it so well already. Elder Bolan and I continue to pray for miracles to happen with our investigators and for opportunities to meet new people and share with them the gospel. 

And of course, Sunday. Mother's Day. What a great time to remember all that my mom has done for me. For helping get to this point in my life. She deserved nothing less when I skyped her and the rest of my family last night. It was so much fun seeing my family for the first time in a year. I'm excited to reunite with them and my friends, but for the time being, it's back to serving the Lord for the latter half of my mission! Have an epic week!

Elder Garner  

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