Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grand Tours of the Sooner (05/27/2014)

This week was seriously the crowning week of this transfer in Mustang. So many great experiences I'd love to repeat. I would not be upset if President kept me here for a while longer. I hope I stay here till September! 

Monday. WOW. Brother Hulsey, a non-member from a part-member family, took us to dinner in downtown Oklahoma City. My first time there! Oklahoma City, the heart of my mission. Elder Bolan and I experienced OKC for the first time. We ate at a restaurant converted from a garage port to a burger joint! It was epic, and we had a great visit with Brother Hulsey and got to know him better. Afterwards he took us on a tour of all the sites in Oklahoma City. He took us to the Devon Tower, the Capitol building, Bricktown, Deep Deuce, the Arts District, the Boathouse District, and the old mansions north of the capitol. Oh my goodness... so much to see. It reminded me so much of Salt Lake. A temple would make it all complete! I will definitely take my parents to visit there one day.

Wednesday was our apartment touring day with the OKC mission housing couple. We spent the morning and part of the afternoon looking at apartments getting ready for the sisters to come into the ward. After touring all the apartments we wanted to look at we put it to a vote, and at the beginning of June we will be moving to The Park at Westpointe in Yukon. The apartments are seriously so classy. We will be living in 5-star luxury! With a pool and everything...oh just kidding missionaries can't use the pool ;) Me and my new companion (if Elder Bolan leaves) will be moving up to the new apartments just before transfers in two weeks while the new sisters stay in our old apartment to run out the lease. Once the lease is up (about three weeks after transfers) they will move up to the new apartments with us--in a different apartment of course! In any case, look for a change of address in about two weeks. 

Friday was when the torrents came. We're supposed to be getting rain for a solid week. It's even raining right now. Our stake is doing a fast next Sunday for the drought in Oklahoma, and it seems as if our prayers will be answered early! The Tuttle elders happened to be up in Mustang and while they were driving their power steering on their Ford Fusion died! So Elder Bolan and I had to rescue them and shelter them from the rain. Later on that night we had our ward game night! The Bennetts came! And the ward fellowshipped the absolute daylights out of them! They loved the game night! Success! 

And to top off the week we had some great lessons with our investigators this week. We met with Brother Bennett and his less-active wife on Thursday and Sunday. His growth is incredible. He loves meeting with us, and he always asks what we'll be talking about next! His wife's even taken an interest in listening to us! We had a great connection with Brother Bennett in the last lesson, and he's making some progress in the gospel! We also met with Whitney and taught her son, Wyatt, the plan of salvation. So far so good. He seems to understand everything. She even came to church on Sunday, but just not our ward... :/ We even got to meet with Alex and got back into contact with Sister Griffin, who had went to Utah for a few weeks. We taught Alex the Word of Wisdom and the 10 Commandments. Elder Bolan and I got somewhere with our investigators this week, which pleased us greatly :)

And yesterday. Since we couldn't email at the library with it being Memorial Day, the four of us went to member's house and played a game called "Killer Bunnies." Anyone here heard of that game?? That game is the most hilarious and aggravating game I've ever played... It's insane. We played that for six hours....ya. But after that we got dropped off at the Park at Westpointe to do some contacting. We visited our recent convert, Sister Taylor, and found out she's smoking again... :/ sad day. But then the biggest miracle happened. Seriously it was so inspired. We walked around the apartment complex--our future home--and tried a referral named Ashley. She knew a family from Utah that's been here since March. She said we was interested in wanting to meet with us and wanted to throw a surprise barbeque for the Utah family for when they leave. We got invited, and we've on board to meet with her and her husband! Heck yeah! Then she dropped like five referrals for us to go try! While trying them a kid named Caleb walked by us, called us "elders," and then we found out he was from Utah! Boom. Sweet miracles.

The Park at Westpointe is hopping with Latter-day Saints. And soon it'll be hopping with missionary moments of sharing the gospel! Y'all can bet you'll have that to look forward to in the next few months! 

Elder Garner

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