Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Edumacational Week (03/03/2014)

Our week got bombarded with tons of unexpected service activities. We also got bombarded by a blizzard on Saturday, which cancelled church the next day. Hooray for cancelled church... They are the bane of missionary work!

On Monday we went to Moore, and I finally learned how to play scatterball, which is basically free for all dodgeball. It's so nice to finally be back in a city-based zone where all the missionaries in your zone are in close proximity. We also got haircuts from a member named Sister Sellards. Her next door neighbor, an inactive member named Candice, was over there visiting with her. So a little background on Candice: she hasn't been to church in years (she's in her 60s and kinda looks like Dolly Parton). She converted when she was 15... because she fell in love with the elder who taught her. The elder broke her heart and told her that he didn't like her back. Oops! So then she went inactive. And she now "teaches" us missionaries about the follies of Mormonism. Here are a couple of things that she "edumacacted" us about:

-BYU is actually in New York, not Utah
-Joseph Smith's name is explicitly mentioned in the New Testament
-The order of the prophets (as if Primary didn't teach me that already!)
-The government shutdown happened because of the Mormons
-(On a random topic) the Japanese Constitution was written in English, not Japanese. And she wrote a 32 page paper about it 
-The book of 1st Nephi is actually about how Joseph Smith wrote the book
-Helaman is a man who helped assist Joseph Smith in writing the Book of Mormon
-If you ask your phone to look up something about Mormonism, the webpages that come up are 100% legit with no false information.

Oh Candice... I would love for someone to set the record for her. We'll have some interesting visits with her.

On Tuesday the four of us helped a member move a bunch of furniture around since she couldn't do it by herself. Later on that night Elder Bolan and I helped another member named Bro. Dezelle from the OKC 2nd ward move out of his home...from which he was evicted. His house was a shambles. It was saddening. He'd signed up to feed us...on the day he was supposed to move out. Poor guy... He moved into a trailer in the ghetto of Oklahoma City. The ward and the two of us have spent a lot of time trying to help him get back up on his feet.

On Wednesday we did some service at the library, and on Friday we helped the Sellards, the one that gave us haircuts, move out. Candice was there again. As we were hauling the heaviest piece of furniture (an entertainment center) down the stairs, she humored us by telling us how painful it was to lift the entertainment center up all by herself. Boy, Candice sure has some muscles....! Saturdaywas the Bro. Dezelle move part 2. Since it was literally impossible to move everything he owned into his trailer, we spent a lot of time moving little things into his home and mostly keeping him company. We ended up tarping up a lot of his furniture and leaving it outside... 

Good thing we got that done before the big storm hit. On Sunday morning we woke up to snow. And, of course, church was cancelled. We spent the whole day inside entertaining ourselves with Phase 10 (thanks, mom!) other card games. It's supposed to warm up this week, so hopefully that happens. Winter doesn't appear to be over yet! This next week, Elder Bolan and I will edumacate a lot of people in the gospel! 

Elder Garner  

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