Monday, March 24, 2014

The Turn of the Decade (03/24/2014)

My first birthday in a foreign land... Birthday #20 was about as American as it gets. We had district meeting that day, so after our meetings we ate at the stake patriarch's house and had sliced brisket! It wasn't like Smoking Joe's in Davis, but it was still delicious. Then we pigged out on brownies. Elder Bolan and I spent most of the day walking around and meeting even more people in the ward. Six weeks later and that project's about 95% finished. We've kept it on the back burner for the past few weeks, but since it's been difficult meeting with our investigators, we've spent a lot of time meeting members and inactive members we both haven't met yet. Oklahoma schools had Spring Break this past week. For dinner we had a member family, the Ridley family, take us out to Interurban in Yukon (NOT found in Utah!...I think). The Ridleys bought us dessert, and I got an awesome fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream. Luckily, the servers didn't come by and sing "Happy Birthday" to me. It was an excellent evening. I remember a year ago turning 19 and going on a marathon to the Draper, Oquirrh Mountain, and Jordan River temples and for the great spirit that was felt that day as I realized that my 19th year would be a life changing year. I'm excited to see how this birth year goes. I have a lot to do before I turn 21!

And really...that just about sums up our week. We did get to meet with Mauricio, one of our investigators. We had a good lesson on the ten commandments, prayer, keeping the sabbath day holy, and studying the scriptures. He is definitely hungry for new information about the gospel. We're thinking the Word of Wisdom should spice up his gospel knowledge. I don't know when Utah's spring break was, but whenever it happens/happened, I hope it's/was awesome. Missionary work lives on 24/7 all day everyday! 

Elder Garner

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