Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Taxing Days in Mustang (02/24/2014)

I promise this update isn't as boring as the title sounds! Everyone's just buckling down on their taxes for some reason... Doesn't that happen in April? Whatever though. I won't question Oklahoma.
On Wednesday I went exchanges with one of the other elders in the ward/one of my roommates, Elder Davis. I feel bad for the kid. He's still getting used to my personality. I think he felt like he was on a date for the first time or something! He's pretty talkative as a group, but he's never talked to me just with the two of us together, so that was interesting. He kept asking me for wisdom, which kinda made me blush... He's been in the area for 4 1/2 months already and he asked for help! I actually feel kinda old being around all these younger missionaries... It's a lot of fun though. That day I got to meet a lot of the members on their side of the ward boundary. And one of the members was so kind as to talk two of my broken watches to the store and fix them! Oh the blessings of being in a moderately populated city with solid ward members... Such tender mercies. Ha.
On Thursday we did some service at the library and...what do you know...we counted TAX PAPERS! I guess this stuff is kind of a big deal to grownups. Last week we helped someone move to a new house. Why were they moving? Because it was tax season. Then after tax season comes TORNADO SEASON! Guess where the tornado hit last year? My area. No joke, we might witness some more tornadoes! Anyway, we spent a while in the library making sure all the tax papers were all accounted for.
Awkward/funny story of the week: on Saturday we helped a single member move out of her sister's house. The actual person we were moving out wasn't at home, and while Elder Bolan and I were taking stuff out, we discovered some...buried the corner of her closet. Without being overly explicit, let's just say we found some...intimate apparel. Ooops! Mom, you probably shouldn't include this paragraph in the ward newsletter ;) HA. I'm really interested to see how that conversation's gonna go down with the member and her sister...haha. say the least.
New topic! Our investigators are proving to be hard to meet with. It's very "taxing" on us trying to meet with them, so we've been spending a lot of time perusing the ward menu and finding people in our area to visit. We've found a lot of part-member families with kids whose parents want them to be baptized! I guess being in Sulphur for so long really taught me skills in the part-member department. With such a small number of members in Sulphur, we had no choice but to visit all the members in our area. Now that tradition's being carried over to Mustang, and there are lots of people that both Elder Bolan and I are meeting for the first time. We've gotten some referrals from the ward, so now as soon as we can get going on setting solid appointments with the part-member families and the referrals we should see some progress in our area!
Things are looking better and better each day and week as our area gets more organized and put together. I'm still working on ingraining into my mind positivity and becoming more happy independently (and with the help of Heavenly Father, of course). I am definitely tested each day like you wouldn't believe. I learn about people everyday all the time, and I continue learning about Heavenly Father everyday. I just grateful for this life and the opportunity I have to continually learn and grow everyday! Have an awesome week from Mustang, Oklahoma!
Elder Garner

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