Saturday, June 28, 2014

Where No Stomach Has Gone Before (06/23/2014)

Guys, this past week Elder Watkins and I have gotten so much swag. You would never realize this, but when two missionaries are biking out in the hot sun and in humidity that feels like a rainforest you acquire so much swag. Like, sweat on your bag. Then there's swack, swace, swands, swarms, swegs, and swutt... Pretty much sweat everywhere. 

We spent a great deal of the week outside on bikes trying every single person we can think of that's not terribly far away. This past week with Rodney we taught him and followed up on prayer and reading the scriptures. We introduced him to the Gospel Library app for his iPad. It's kinda cool that Rodney can join in with the rest of the Elder's Quorum and read out of the manual from his iPad! Too bad full time missionaries can't...yet. On Saturday we went to his house for Part 4 of the bathroom remodel: cutting and laying down tile! We learned how to cut and place tile into the bathroom floor! No dangerous tools were used during this process! 

Thursday morning dealt us some interesting cards. Elder Watkins and I both woke up at 4 in the morning to incredibly upset stomachs. We both got food poisoning. And as a result came the Montezuma's Revenge. Sister Walkenhorst told us to take some pepto bismol and rest up for the day. The sisters gave us some cup-of-noodles to ease our appetites, and a member brought us some remedies to help our stomachs. With those and the power of the priesthood, Elder Watkins and I healed up for the next day! 

Friday and Saturday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders, and I got to go with Elder Zeyer! And wow, what a long time it's been since I've spent time with him. We had an amazing exchange of learning from one another and catching each other up on our lives since our days spent together in Sulphur. So much has changed in the past five months since we were companions. He dropped a surprise on me... As he described his experiences in Sulphur post-companionship and the last few months in Moore (his current area) he told me about how he's changed. And that change, he said, came from the things he learned from being around me. I wasn't expecting that, but I definitely remember make-or-break experiences me, Elder Linam, and Elder Zeyer had last fall and winter and all the opposition that got thrown at us--individually and collectively. I felt strengthened knowing I helped out someone else. Oh much love. Just like old times.

Sunday ended the stressful week. Elder Watkins and I gave our talks in sacrament meeting... Psych! The bishopric decided to not have us give talks this week! But we're still on for this next Sunday. We're excited to speak...just as long as food poisoning doesn't get in the way. And later on that day we had another good visit with Rodney. This week should be great. Zone Conference this Tuesday, talking about working with ward and stake leaders, should be great. Anyway, have a fantastic week!  

Elder Garner 

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