Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Successor My Companion (06/16/2014)

I never thought I would actually have to say goodbye to Elder Bolan. I got so used to having him around. Alva's town of 5,000 is getting a new handyman and new disciple of Christ. He enjoyed living in the new apartment in Yukon for a week! But now he's made room for my new companion: Elder Watkins from Cedar Hills, Utah. I learned that Elder Watkins, the elder that took my spot in Sulphur in February, kept up the good work and helped contribute to the growth of the Pauls Valley Branch--soon to be a ward! Now most of our conversations consist of sharing stories from our tenure down in Sulphur. 

Along with Elder Watkins came two sister missionaries--the first set Mustang 1st ward's had. One of them spent the first nine months of her mission in the YSA branch in Midwest City, and now she's here in her second area training a brand-new sister missionary. I've really enjoyed serving around three new missionaries. All four of us strangers at first, but now unified in our cause to serve in the Mustang 1st ward area. 

Just before all the changes took place, the Elder Bolan and I and the other set of elders went around on Tuesday and said goodbye to all their favorite families. Elder Bolan and I got treated out to iHop by our ward mission leader. Wednesday was when all the magic happened, and suddenly Elder Bolan disappeared to Alva, Elder Woodward to Anadarko, and Elder Faulkner to Edmond. 

Once back to our apartment the zone leaders gave me a little orientation for my new district leader position. I haven't been on my toes this much since the beginning of my mission! Being a district leader's going to be a good whip to keep me in shape for my responsibilities as a missionary. 

Thursday and Friday consisted of introducing members to Elder Watkins and helping him familiarize himself with the new area. Much like me, Mustang 1st is his first metro area. On Saturday Elder Watkins and I and the sisters had the opportunity to go to Shawnee, just east of Oklahoma City, to see one of Elder Watkins' old investigators get baptized. That was a super cool experience. This Sunday we're going to see a member's mother in Sulphur get baptized! I've been looking forward to going back to the Pauls Valley branch for the longest time now. And with every story Elder Watkins tells me it makes me miss the area more and more... 

We had some great success this week--with what we could do aside from transfers. We met with Rodney on Sunday. He had a baptismal date for the 21st of June, but we and him decided it would be best to push the date back to July the 12th for him to feel more prepared. He loves coming to church, and he recognizes the difference it's making in his life. His wife is even noticing and pointed out how much he's changing because of the gospel. His wife is ordering him a quad! Just in time for his baptism! Stay tuned for this transfer! I'm excited to be here for another transfer and get some work done with Elder Watkins!

Elder Garner

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