Thursday, June 12, 2014

Field Becomes Park (06/09/2014)

We had quite the unorthodox week. I went from being a missionary to a furniture hauler and apartment cleaner. I think I wore more street clothes this week than I have my whole mission. We finally moved out of the Fieldstone apartments in Mustang to the Park at Westpointe in Yukon! And I'm pretty sure our new apartments are 5-star upper-class penthouses in disguise. People are so cool here. Except on day 2 at the new apartment our upstairs neighbor decided to pour muddy water out his window and onto our balcony... I guess his kitchen sink wasn't good enough...haha. Really though, the complex has tons of young, active people. Lots of people watch us and ask about us, so our mark is definitely being made. Luckily we made some progress with Rodney, our most solid investigator. He basically already considers himself a member of the church. He's totally getting baptized! On the flipside, Wyatt, the 8-year old we were teaching, now lives with grandparents in Mustang 2nd ward. We had to turn him over to the Mustang 2nd elders...but we will for sure be at his baptism when it happens! 

So here's the crazy stuff that's gone down since we've moved to the Park at Westpointe: On Thursday we moved in more new furniture (no surprise) and in the process we ran into Caleb, the 23-year old we run into last week. He asked for a blessing. He needed some direction. He was out selling pest control to help him develop communication skills. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to serve a mission or if he wanted to get a girlfriend. He felt unworthy in some aspects. So we gave him a blessing to help guide him, we bore our testimonies about the incredible power of being a missionary and servant of the Lord, and we sent him off with some ensign magazines to help uplift his life a little more. Then on Sunday morning he knocked on our door to tell us that he decided to quit his job and move back to Utah and that he would leave on Monday. We sure hope and pray that he finds himself and figures out what he wants to do with his life. 

We were welcomed into our new apartment complex with a going-away party for a member family from Utah that temporarily moved into the ward for the FAA program. The members made really good friends with a referral named Ashley, who loves talking to us. She's looking for a church to go to, and she made great friends with the member family. She recognized something they had, and she wants that in her own life. Another family from Utah that's out here selling for Vivint also met some people that they decided to share the gospel with. We met them yesterday, and their super cool! 

If I had more time I'd tell you more... But wow, this place is on fire! But before I get off you should know that Elder Bolan and I are finally getting split... I'm sad to see him go. He's getting transferred to Alva. I'm getting an Elder Watkins. Interestingly enough, he's the elder that replaced me in Sulphur. My predecessor is now my companion! I'm also a district leader now, so yay for more responsibilities! But seriously I'm looking forward to this next transfer!

Elder Garner 

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