Friday, December 20, 2013

Seven Months for Six Baptisms (12/16/2013)

This title would be SO much cooler if it was seven baptisms! Oh well.... You theater people will hopefully understand this reference. This week was a lot more productive than last week! Our weather's been much more favorable, and all the ice has been melting throughout the week! Everyone is looking forward to Christmas and the holiday season! But not the ice storms....

On Tuesday we went exploring in a new town called Dougherty (pronounced Darty) several miles south of Davis. I'd never gone there before with Elder Kahawaii, so the three of us decided to check it out. We did some tracting there and found some awesome people just living the secluded life down in no man's land! The drive down there reminded me a lot of Utah for some reason.... Lots of hills—something pretty uncommon in Oklahoma! On Wednesday we got to go caroling with a couple members at the Veteran's Hospital just south of Sulphur--another place I'd never visited before. It was SWEET! The nurses and the patients were so grateful for having us there singing to them. Some of them even got emotional! Awesome experience....

The big events of the week happened over the weekend. We had our branch Christmas party on Saturday. The turnout was astounding! There were less active members I'd never even met before! Tammy and her family showed up, and they had an awesome time there. Elder Fairbourn even got the branch to stand up and play Simon Says. Now mind you, he's a retired school teacher, so he knew ALL the ways to stump his students and end up making them lose! Guys, get this, I WAS THE LAST PERSON STANDING. AND HE EVEN GAVE UP ON ME BECAUSE I DID EVERYTHING SIMON SAID TO DO! I basically felt like a boss. 

But here's the moral of the story: When we do the things that Simon (the Lord) tells us to do and not the things He says not to, we will not fall. If we remain obedient, we will stand tall and not have to sit down in shame from messing up. The best part? Simon's commands are simple, so it makes it possible for everyone to obey them! The Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle! 
Last of all, Tammy's baptism was incredible. At seven months of serving a mission, this was definitely the best way of "celebrating" it. We cleared several hurdles that her mom had. Through the spirit we were able to resolve conflicts with her family as well as help build their faith. It was an incredible experience for the whole family to be there and to watch her. Tammy will be such a light to her family.... Her mom is changing and wanting to be more of an inspiration for Tammy. And this time, the water was filled up enough, so I didn't have to perform the baptism twice like I did with Carol back in July! Haha, for real though, there's nothing like watching people changing their lives to seek the blessings of the gospel.

I hope y'all have the BEST holiday season ever!

—Elder Garner

With Santa at the branch Christmas party!

With Tammy, their investigator that was baptized this past Sunday.

Elder Linam (left), Tammy, and Elder Zeyer.  The three elders are in a threesome companionship right now.

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