Friday, December 20, 2013

BORED Games (12/09/2013)

We're all having a holly jolly Christmas in Sulphur,Oklahoma! We just passed "Trainer Call Saturday" to find out that none of us will be training this next transfer. You know what that means, right? Transfer calls come this Sunday! Out of the five full-time missionaries serving in Pauls Valley Branch, I've been here the longest, so we're all thinking I'm getting transferred. You'll find out next week what the results will be. For now I've held off on giving friends my mailing address because I don't want letters to get sent only to have to possibly move out on the 18th! This transfer, like every other transfer, has gone by super fast—partially because it's only 5 weeks long! 
This week was kind of a flop due to all the weather we've gotten. We had a fantastic zone p-day in Ardmore with everyone before the snowstorms hit us. We got to play Ultimate and flag football! On Tuesday we had an awesome miracle! We went tracting in the north part of town and ran into a guy who let us pray with him and even teach the Restoration! Whenever we go tracting we usually just pray with people and set a return appointment, but this was the first time in my mission I'd ever knocked on someone's door and taught them the Restoration in their home on the spot! The guy, Joseph, was already so happy with what we taught him and invited us back to teach his family! He told us how much joy he'd felt from us being there and teaching him! Probably the best miracle of the week....
Later on that night we got to eat with Tammy's family and help them set up their Christmas tree! Her baptism is this Sunday on the 15th and WE'RE SO FLIPPIN STOKED!!!!!! I'm performing the baptism! We're super excited for her and for her family. Tammy's faith's gotten so strong. She's gotten everything thrown at her, yet her testimony's super strong! As long as Tammy's baptized, I won't feel too about leaving Sulphur if and when it happens. 

Thursday was when the storms hit us.... All the cars in the OKC mission got grounded, and the zone leaders told us to stay inside since the roads were really bad. Friday wasn't much better... Our district meeting got cancelled, and we were confined to our apartment for most of the day. We were only allowed to set appointments with people if they were within walking distance. Luckily the Vineyards, our investigator family, lives close to us! So we got to spend time with them/teach a discussion to them. They gave us Monopoly and Battleship to curb our boredom. Sooooooo what did we do once we waddled like penguins back to our apartment? You got it. Saturdaywe got permission to go to one of Elder Linam's old investigator's baptism up in Seminole. Probably not the best idea... The roads were COVERED with ice. Luckily our Corolla survived the roads and we made it back safely! Later on that day we went to a member's home and taught her granddaughter and made wreaths out of hangers and garbage bag shreds! Trust me, it's more entertaining than it sounds, especially when you have nothing to do in your apartment. Church was cancelled on Sunday--or so we thought--and all of our appointments fell through, sooooo what did we do?
We played 138 rounds of Uno for almost 8 hours. 

From sunup to sundown. It was RIDICULOUS! We even forgot to eat dinner! We calculated 18 rounds of Uno per hour... We even took a tally of how many times we won, and we came to find out that there is little strategy in Uno, because all three of us won nearly the same amount of games. Look at us statisticians! Anyway, that's our week. The car ban has been lifted only for driving on main roads, which doesn't really make much of a difference in our area. We've heard more storms are coming in, so we'll see what happens! Stay tuned for transfer calls next week!

Elder Garner
P.S. Oklahomans cancel school whenever it snows... K, Utah didn't even cancel school when there were BLIZZARDS. Oklahoma snow is nothing compared to Utah snow! 

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