Monday, December 30, 2013

After-Christmas Blues (12/30/2013)

Some people think that spending time with their families is far more important than visiting with missionaries. Well I am here to tell you that that is FALSE! 

I promise that last statement was a joke...
But that pretty much sums up our week. We've had numerous cancelled appointments from investigators, and it makes us wants to curl up in the corner of our apartment and cry ;( Our holidays were crazy fantastic though! We got fed TWICE on Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and even BOXING day! But the food caught up to us and made us verrrrrrrryyyy sleepy... We spent lots of time with members and got to hang out with them. I had an AMAZING visit with my family on Christmas morning! I even got to hear my dad say a blessing over the breakfast that I didn't get to eat! I really enjoyed hearing from them... 
My companions and I are continuing to plug along with our energetic enthusiasm to make it through this holiday season! My 2014 will be entirely consumed with missionary work! Can't think of anything more exciting than that! I'm excited to see what comes, and I'm looking forward to a fresh new year!

Happy New Year,
Elder Garner

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