Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trick or Testaments (11/04/2013)

This week was EPIC! The four of us had an amazing Halloween and a really productive week! I dressed up as a missionary. Hoohah. Elder Beus did exchanges with me and Elder Kahawaii from Thursday to Saturday. I was with him on Thursday and Friday, and he was with Elder Kahawaii on Friday and Saturday. We got a lot of things done in our area, and we even picked up a new investigator! A 13-year-old. She's awesome. Her name's Chynna. She's the daughter of a less-active member and the granddaughter of a member--kinda like Thomas. Elder Kahawaii and I are basically recruiting the young mens and young womens in the branch... Tammy's doing really well too. She has a date for the first of December, so we hope that goes through. Her mom, Michelle, told us we were the best missionaries she's ever had, and she loves having us around and feels super comfortable with us! Elder Kahawaii and I both agreed that we're really starting to gain their trust. Michelle, the less-active mom, had a cow when Elder Beus came to teach them. She thought I got transferred! She flipped out and almost started yelling at Elder Kahawaii and Elder Beus for not telling her that I'd 'left!' Luckily that all got sorted out without anyone's head getting cut off. It was really touching at the same time... I've really enjoyed being with this family and the chance I've had to be able to help them out. 

The trip to Ardmore on Monday was AWESOME! I got to wear a sumo wrestler suit! If I get fed enough here I could be as big as the suit without having to wear the suit! The ten of us missionaries had an awesome day. During this week the Pauls Valley elders and the two of us got to have SLEEPOVERS! With permission from President Walkenhorst of course. We had one on Thursday night and Saturday night! It'sreally unfortunate that the Pauls Valley elders don't have a car... It really forces us to be together all the time. On Halloween night we had a branch trunk or treat, which was super fun! I took seven containers of Play-doh! I even got to go from car to car and get candy! Holidays as a missionary are so much fun. I'm really excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The trunk or treat turnout was really awesome. We had tons of families and less-actives from both our areas show up. We had to stay over at the Pauls Valley elders' apartment since all the mission cars had to be parked at 6:00. We didn't have a way of getting home, so we had a movie night and watched... THE TESTAMENTS! Halloween night was awesome... Missionaries just need to let go sometimes. 

Well, things have settled down now that Halloween's over. We're getting in as many lessons as we can with Tammy before one of us potentially gets transferred. The news comes next Sunday, so stay tuned! I love you all very much :)

Elder Garner

The missionary math equation:
Active grandma + less-active mom + non-member teenager = A HAPPY FAMILY!

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