Monday, November 18, 2013

Passive Aggressive Punks (11/18/2013)

Transfers were AMAZING. So many changes took place this past Wednesday! Lots of missionaries going home, and lots more coming out. One of my buddies named Elder Hale went home, which was kinda sad. He was in my first district out here. We had a ton of visa-waiters come into the mission. Only two new areas opened up, so there are now several trio companionships throughout the mission—mine being one of them! Elder Hoddy finally left his first area and got transferred to Choctaw and replaced Elder Hale. The new elder that replaced me in Purcell three months ago is now going to Edmond. Lots of crazy stuff going on.... Much to my dismay (and at times relief) I am no longer the designated driver of the Foxy Wagg... Elder Zeyer is.... At least I don't have to be in charge of miles anymore! We've had to rearrange a lot of furniture to fit three guys. We had a get a bed set, a table, a chair, yada yada. Our bedroom looks so ridiculous... our beds make a U shape, Elder Zeyer can't even open his closet door all the way, Elder's Zeyer's left arm practically touches my head when we're asleep, and Elder Linam's feet almost touch my right leg. We had to move all the study desks out into the main room and put all the recliners in the other bedroom. It's really squishy in there, but it's lots of fun with three of us. 
Lately we've been doing lots and lots of tracting. On Thursday we knocked into five Spanish-speaking houses in a row! They all kinda looked at us and just smiled because they didn't understand anything we were saying, but at least they seem to like Jesus... haha. We've picked up a former investigator named Brian. His girlfriend got anti'd, but when we called him and taught him earlier this week we found out he wasn't with her anymore! He told us he wasn't interested in changing his ways, but then he told us later on that he wanted to be baptized. Jackpot! So we'll see where that goes. Tammy and her parents came to church yesterday!!! That was the best part of our Sunday. It's about time they did! A few days ago we tracted into an awesome family! It's a soon-to-be-single mom with three kids named the Vineyard family. Pretty appropriate name for such a Christian town.... Lots of doors slammed in our faces and lots of prayers said with the people of Sulphur.
On Sunday we got cussed out by this guy because our bikes were locked up at the street sign on his street corner, and he totally tried to pick a fight with us. He thought we were trying to steal stuff from his house.... Luckily nothing happened, but dude, come on... you'd go three against one? Please... just put that cranky attitude away and go play with your legos. When we left his yard—without any confrontation—he started following us in his car and waited at the gas station and watched us! He was totally creeping on us! Pretty sure that's more wrong than us locking our bikes to the street sign! If you even consider locking our bikes up wrong at all! Anyway, nothing bad happened to us.

But the guy doesn't know I memorize license plate numbers ;)

Elder Stalker Elder Garner

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