Friday, November 15, 2013

The Three Stooges (11/11/2013)

Since we have transfers coming up this week I'll just give you all the news right now! I have now hit six months on my mission. I'm one-fourth of the way done. It's so weird to think about... And it's really weird that I've been in Sulphur just as long as I've been in Purcell. But here it is: Elder Kahawaii is going one whole area over to Duncan! He's opening up an area with a newer missionary, and he's in a bike area (SUCKA!). I will be staying in Sulphur and going into my third transfer there. I am now getting my third... and fourth companion. That's right. I'm in a TRIO! Words cannot express my excitement for next transfer. Trios are so AWESOME. Trio companionships get things DONE! Their names are Elder Zeyer (ZIE-urr) and Elder Linam (LINE-um). I know a little bit about Elder Zeyer, but not much about Elder Linam. Elder Zeyer actually came out with me in May, and he did a year at BYU kinda like I did. Some of my friends at BYU actually know him and told me about him before I came out. Elder Linam's been out for three months, so he's a newer guy. This next transfer is only going to be five weeks instead of the usual six! Other than that there's been a lot of changes! With last transfer staying pretty much the same, lots of changes needed to take place. Another newsflash is that Pauls Valley is now the Zone Leader area! The three of us now share a ward/branch with the Zone Leaders! That makes 7 missionaries serving in the Pauls Valley Branch! I'm telling ya, guys, this work is GROWING! 
So here's a little tally of my mission so far:

Transfer Date:         Area:                             Companion:
(1) June 3rd-             Noble South                    Elder Evans
July 14th                  (Purcell)          
(2) July 15th-            Noble South                    Elder Evans
August 26th             (Purcell)
(3) August 27th-        Pauls Valley South          Elder Kahawaii
October 6th              (Sulphur)
(4) October 7th-        Pauls Valley South          Elder Kahawaii
November 17th         (Sulphur)  
(5) November 18th-  Pauls Valley South          Elder Zeyer & Elder Linam
December 22nd        (Sulphur)

Now for the regular exciting stuff about missionary work... We've been getting fed TONS this week by members! Like almost everyday! It's made for some very happy missionaries in the Pauls Valley and Sulphur area :) We had our primary program this Sunday. Super cool. Super adorable. Our primary is all of seven kids. It's awesome. Our investigators are making progress, and we've had some awesome lessons with them. Tammy unfortunately didn't make it to church this Sunday, so her baptismal date's dropped... BUT. That's going to be changed. Michelle is going to have a COW when she finds out Elder Kahawaii's leaving, so we're kinda scared about that... Tammy is really solid though. Thomas is loving church. He was ordained a deacon last Sunday, and his Grandma is so happy for him to have the priesthood! 
This transfer has flown by so quickly... but I'm excited for next transfer! Especially for Thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS!

Over and out, 
Elder Garner

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