Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shifting Seasons (09/30/2013)

Everyone can wake up now, September has ended! Sorry, I couldn't pass up that opportunity to make a musical reference being it's the last day of September. Sorry for the lack of an update last week. We really didn't have much going on. This past week hasn't been any better... I've been pretty sick, and we went a day and a half without proselyting because we didn't have any clean proselyting clothes! That was a boring day.....
Luckily, there's news to be heard this week. So what's been happening here in Sulphur? Ohhhhh goodnessssss let's see..... Our transfer calls came last night. Probably the most boring transfer doctrine I've gotten so far on my mission. Not very many changes. Elder Kahawaii and I are both staying in Sulphur, and one of the Pauls Valley missionaries is leaving. One of our Zone Leaders is going to Norman Zone, my old zone. Ada and Ardmore are both getting sister missionaries, so that's cool for them. Other than that, nothing's changing in our zone. My mom is certain that with nine new areas being opened up (two of them being in our zone) President Walkenhorst isn't feeling the need to move us around if things are already going okay in our areas, and that's probably correct! It's hard to believe how fast this past transfer's gone, though I have a feeling I'll be in Sulphur for a long time... I can see myself entering 2014 in Sulphur, Oklahoma.
It's gotten a little chilly here! Nothing below 60 degrees yet, but once that happens we gotta wear our suitcoats! My winter jacket also arrived, so I'm all prepared for winter! This next transfer goes until the 13th of November, so it'll cool down by then. Elder Kahawaii and I are hoping we'll be up in the city the transfer after this upcoming transfer so we can spend Thanksgiving and Christmas up in the city! Both holidays fall in the same transfer, so we're hoping to be in a good area for that! We'll see what comes of that.
Missionary work wise we're slowly but surely moving along. We might pick up another 13 year old named China (yes, like the country) whose mom and grandma are both members, but the mom is very less active. Kinda like Thomas' family... President Burnett wants China to get started on the discussions, so we'll try to negotiate that with her mom! Thomas himself is getting along pretty well. We've taught most all of the lessons to him, and we're working on getting a baptism program for him when he gets baptized on the 13th of October! So that's looking fine. We got to do some service at his house on Thursday. We did some lawn-mowing (my favorite!) and yardwork to help them prepare for winter. They were really grateful for that, and we've really got something going with Thomas and his family! It'll definitely be hard saying goodbye when the time comes.
I supposedly was going to speak this past Sunday, but I never did... That's happened twice now! I'm not too upset, though ;) The branch is moving along as well. We had six less actives at church last Sunday! That was definitely the highlight of the week. Our branch is making some progress, that's for sure. For conference weekend we'll be watching it at a member's home in Sulphur out in the middle of nowhere. Okay, Sulphur itself is in the middle of nowhere, but that's neither here nor there! I'm super excited for it! Lots of news on hastening the work and follow-up from the missionary age change announcements! Can you believe it's been a year since that announcement came out?!
That's it for now. I miss all of you very dearly ;) Hope you guys have a wonderful conference weekend!

Elder Garner

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