Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I Feel Like a Zoo Animal! (10/14/2013)

After one month of working with and teaching Thomas he was baptized yesterday! We had an awesome baptismal service for him with lots of support from the branch. He had a lot of goofy things to say, like "I FEEL LIKE A ZOO ANIMAL!" when he got into the font...haha. You can tell that not very many baptisms take place here in Pauls Valley. The branch presidency basically left the whole thing to us, so we had to call people for the program and get it all put together by Sunday. It's kinda aggravating not having an active branch mission leader. I think the branch president is starting to realize that the missionaries here do exist and that we're doing something. He actually had no idea we were having a baptism until the day of.  We had a testimony meeting that day, and I decided to get up and share my testimony. The wards and branches in the Norman Stake are getting a boundary change, and we're actually losing people. None of it affects our area, but one town is going to another branch that's becoming a ward. I told the branch how grateful I was to be serving them and that the boundary change was the Lord's way of hastening his work! At least I think I said that . . . I don't know. I was kinda spluttering words by the end, hahaha. 

We had a slow week, but it picked up more towards the weekend. With the baptism and everything we've been swamped. You know that way less active lady named Michelle? The one we ran into at Walmart? We had dinner with her last night and taught part of the Restoration to her 15-year-old daughter! Her name is Tammy, and she even asked us in a previous visit that week if we could teach her about the gospel! She's looked around at other churches and wants to know which one has the truth! Those investigators are always the best ones. Getting her to church might be a hurdle, considering her parents would have to take her. Not really sure how keen they are on taking her to church. The mom's probably worried she might have to become active again. But we can fix that. ;)
We have our Zone P-day today down in Ardmore, so that'll be fun. The Pauls Valley elders got in a wreck on Saturday! Some drunk guy rear-ended them! It's pretty funny because that day their car hit 50,000 miles, and when a missionary car hits 50,000 miles it gets sold and the area gets a new car! But now they get a rental car until the mission gets them a new car. We've had to cart them around everywhere when we're up in Pauls Valley, so that's been crazy.

But here we are. It's raining/flooding a ton today. Let's pray a drunk guy doesn't come up and rear-end us in all this rain!

Elder Garner

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