Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Not much of an update... This week's been kind of a drag... But at least it started well and ended well. We had an AMAZING zone P-day in Ardmore. I got to meet the sisters in our zone, which was pretty cool. One of them is Sister Anderson, who was in Norman Zone with me in the July-August transfer. It was pretty cool to see her again. Our weekdays were the worst... Elder Kahawaii's been sick again. Not just that, but he hasn't been the most proactive about missionary work. I won't go into detail, but now that Thomas is baptized we really just have Tammy to teach.  It looks like she's gonna get somewhere, so I'm excited about that. We had our 2nd lesson with her yesterday, which turned out well. Hopefully that will keep us going some more. Elder Kahawaii actually said a couple things in the lesson this time! I usually teach 95% of the lesson when it comes to teaching people. Again, love his personality, just not his idleness.
President Walkenhorst surprised all of us by coming to Pauls Valley for church yesterday!! I immediately requested an interview. President Walkenhorst must've been guided by the spirit to come down to Pauls Valley. He talked with President Burnett and all the missionaries about what we could do to get the work moving along in the branch. It was what the branch needed. It was what needed.
Anyway, that's that. Hopefully some more interesting stuff happens this coming week. We tried a less active yesterday named Brian. THAT'S an interesting story! I'll have to tell you about it sometime. I found Buckle last week, but it was CLOSED. So we're gonna hopefully go down to Ardmore next Monday if we've got the miles for it. Anyway, I love you and miss you guys. 

Elder Garner

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