Thursday, August 7, 2014

Road Trips Across Oklahoma (08/04/2014)

In the corner of southwest Oklahoma, the missionaries of Altus West are exploring the land and meeting the citizens and latter-day saints of Jackson, Greer, and Harmon county. All starting off the week with a good trip to the temple and paying a visit to my old turf: Mustang and Yukon. Our zone had our temple trip on the 29th. While there, I had lots of time to think about the recent changes that have been taking place in my life. I had lots of time to reason with myself why things have turned out the way they have. After a good session in the temple, lots of questions and prayers were answered. I'm so grateful for the temple and for the peace it brings.

Then to Mustang. The four of us payed Elder Watkins and his new companion a visit in my old apartment. The sisters got moved in to their new apartment just this past week. They all seem to be enjoying living and serving there just as I have. We got to see Wyatt get baptized. It was so sad having to turn him over to the Mustang 2nd ward missionaries, but it was all for his own good. And no matter which set of missionaries taught him, he still got baptized.

Most of the remaining week was spent meeting people, getting to know the area, and exploring our massive area. On Thursday we went to Mangum for the first time, where we met a couple members and got a map to find our way around. We had an amazing finding miracle just 15 minutes before we were supposed to turn in for the night. We were walking around just a few blocks south of our apartment when we got followed by a guy riding a motorbike. He pulled over, stopped to talk to us, and introduced himself as Rocky. He had missionary experiences before. He knew who we were and what we do. He was fascinated by the Church and the gospel. He used to live in the Middle East. He almost died (from causes we aren't aware of) and apparently he was saved by a Christian. He then came to the United States and become converted to Christianity. He'd moved out of Altus, and the missionaries, as a result, lost contact with him. And he finally ran into us just the other day! And wow, it's the best thing that's happened since I got here...

On Saturday an older couple that the other elders had been teaching got baptized, and they asked me to give the talk on the Holy Ghost. I'd never given a talk at a baptism before, but nonetheless it was a great experience to see them come to gospel and enter into the waters of baptism! 

And today--you'll never guess this--we went hiking! in Oklahoma! We hiked up the Wichita Mountains near Lawton. They're the tallest "mountains" Oklahoma has to offer. And afterwards we went to Meers, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that's been around since 1901! And I ate a Seismic Burger that was as big as my head! Hoping to gain a couples pounds from that...

My apologies for the short update, I don't have as much time as I would like. But let me just say I am incredibly antsy for good things to start happening in this area. There is so much potential that has yet to be explored. Eventually, I'll understand the reasoning for me being down here in Altus. With every area I've been that same question always gets answered. Hope all of you have a great week. The gospel is true!

Elder Garner

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