Tuesday, August 19, 2014

One Shade Different (08/18/2014)

Throughout this week I've really felt like I've gotten to make a difference. Of course missionaries are always trying to make a difference in someone's life, or in our own life. But this week I made a conscientious effort to notice the differences around me and be of good cheer for the chance I have to adapt to current circumstances. Did I change Altus? In my dreams! The differences aren't anything huge, just a little bit here and there. 

The first difference? The way I responded to almost eating the most outlandish thing I could have eaten on my mission (so far!). We celebrated Sister Thomas' birthday on Monday. She's a sweet older lady in her 70s. We had pork chops for dinner...cooked in a panini maker. That's a recipe for disaster! And it almost was. I ate several bites into mine, and the next cut I made into it there were gut remnants and a nice shady spot of pink right in the middle! Fortunately, they had baked potatoes there as well, so I grabbed an extra one to make it look like I was enjoying the food :) For dessert we had chocolate cake. All was well with that. Luckily I didn't get sick or anything, but if I did I would have started singing "Master The Tempest is Raging!"

On Tuesday we taught Vince and Shelby! YAH! And they committed to be baptized! Then on Friday I went on exchanges in the other elders' area, so I wasn't personally there, but my companion and the elder I exchanged with conducted a church tour for Vince and Shelby, which they reported as successful. 

On Thursday we tracted in a little town called Granite that hadn't really been touched by previous missionaries. We received a less than favorable welcome from its residents. The last house we knocked on, however, was a miracle. We tracted into a member whose name isn't on the rolls. I always love it when that happens! She was so grateful and astonished that we ran into her. We gave her a Book of Mormon since she didn't have one. We're hoping to fellowship her and get her back to church. Those little differences we make in other peoples' lives... We're hoping she'll recognize that and want to make a difference in herself.

Back to the lovely Sister Thomas. We helped her box up some stuff that she wanted moved into her new house on the south side of town. After we helped her with that, we got to PAINT! I got to paint her bathroom a shade of minty green! For those that know me, you'll know that color represents me so well... 

We had ward conference on Sunday, and members from the stake came out from Lawton and Wichita Falls, Texas and spoke to the ward about hastening the work. I really think the ward needed it. It's good to know that the stake's working alongside with us trying to make a difference. 

Anyway, that's all folks! I guess what? I finally have some pictures to show y'all of God's little slice of pie in southwest Oklahoma! Have an awesome week!

Love, Elder Garner

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