Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Loosing the Bands (04/27/2015)

There are going to a lot of "lasts" these next couple weeks. With my last General Conference on the mission just finished, a couple more P-days, a couple more district meetings, things are getting wrapped up in Oklahoma. I don't think I've had this many mixed emotions since I left for Oklahoma. I can adapt pretty easily to new settings and environments, and feeling the way I have lately is proving to me that I've grown pretty used to Oklahoma! #ComfortablyBound

And one of the last things I got to do on Monday was go to our Zone P-day and Specialized Training in Pauls Valley. It may just have been my last time in Pauls Valley! But who knows. I may get President to work some of his magic and let me go over there (or at least to Sulphur) and see some people. We had a fantastic P-day at the Boger's house and had an awesome training on having effective member-present lessons: pre-game and post-game tips to making a lesson with an investigator the most spiritual and effective as possible. It was funny... We received bike safety training, and all the while I smiled...I kept thinking, "A bike, a bike, I have no more need of a bike!" I will sure miss P-day activities with the zone. #BoundToHaveFun

It was our turn this week to teach Book of Mormon class. We studied Mormon 9 about faith and miracles. Moroni gave us some pretty neat advice on miracles. In verse 20, it explains that people back then didn't see miracles because they dwindled in unbelief, they departed from the right way, and they didn't know the God in whom they trusted. But the next verse promises all that whatsoever we ask for in the name of Christ will be given to us if we believe and doubt nothing. #MiraclesAbound

A couple miracles of our own that we had this week: We got back in contact with Stephanie, our investigator referral. She's breaking up with her boyfriend, who is the brother of the member that referred us to the couple. She's had a history of being more humble and receptive when times are rough. When we first met her a couple months back, she'd had a death in the family and was more receptive then. We'd taught her the plan of salvation and committed her to read and pray. This time we read 1st Nephi 7 about Nephi going back to Jerusalem to get Ishmael and his family. Shortly after that goes down, Nephi gets bound with cords by Laman and Lemuel. He prays for the strength to burst the bands, and they're loosed from him. We talked to her about the things in life that bind us, and recommitted her to pray, and pray specifically to overcome her challenges and have the things that bind her to be loosed. #BreakingTheRelationshipBands

Our other investigators are doing well and continue to be taught the gospel. Memery is for sure moving, but she's only moving across town, luckily. Rusty promised us that he'd be at church for my departure talk in Ada. Man, if that's what it takes, then that's a miracle right there. We also saw Bro. Frazier, our less active that teaches bible study for his wife's church. We got to know him a little better, and he knows more people in the ward than we thought. His last wife was a member, and after they divorced he fell away. He still has a testimony of Joseph Smith and of the Book of Mormon. We read "His Grace Is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. Man that sunk into him good. He felt the Spirit!

This next week will be fun. We have the ward talent show on Friday and the Lamb of God the next day. And we Elder Corbridge next Tuesday! With those events in mind, my days of actual proselyting are numbered. I'm praying to remain focused and to have my thoughts zeroed in on teaching and testifying. It's going by so fast!

Elder Garner

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