Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Some good news is that Memery and Zavior aren't moving to Holdenville anymore. They've decided to move to Oregon in about a month from now. They've been changing their plans a lot lately, so we'll see if that actually happens. All is well over there! #FalseAlarm

We had a good discussion with one of our drunk investigators, Robert. We happened to catch him sober, and we talked about some of his goals in life and what he wants to accomplish. We've decided that Robert is a good resource for finding new people, so we're going to keep finding new investigators through him. Robert doesn't seem to remember me, but he remembers my companion and one of the other elders really well and always asks where he's at. #TheOtherGuy

We did a lot of finding and street contacting this past week. We felt like we needed to spice things up in our area, so we talked to some new people. The weather over here's been amazing, so lots of people are outside. We met a new investigator named Paris. She goes to ECU and used to live in Maysville, close to Pauls Valley. We also had a member invite one of his friends to church on Sunday. His name's Jimmy. Apparently he had a heart attack outside and his neighbor called 911. He lived through it, and the member helped pay his water bill and invited him to church. Member missionary work!!

We were walking down main street earlier this week, and this massive guy with tattoos everywhere pulled up on his motorcycle. We thought we were about to get jumped, so we kept walking unto he beckoned us over. Then we found out his name was Jerry and that he was a member that moved from San Diego. He's extremely less active, but it was neat miracle! We talked to him about his upbringing in the church and his friends and family that are all members. The missionaries in San Diego used to live next to him. He's had a lot of Mormon influences throughout his life. He's a pretty neat guy all around.

Friday was really neat. I went on exchanges to my old branch of Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. I had the opportunity to meet some people that I'd never really met before while I was there. I wasn't in Sulphur, but I recognized some people that lived there, and they even remembered me! One family in particular was the Bishops. The mom had been less active since age 17 and had been in and out of the military with her husband. Both are now on disability, but they own an antique consignment shop in Pauls Valley. Back when I was in Sulphur, we called Sister Bishop to see if we could get her address and visit with her. "How did you get my number?" she asked us. We told her that her number was simply on the roster. She agreed and gave us her address. We referred her to the Pauls Valley elders and they began teaching her husband and two kids and reactivating her. They are now getting sealed on May 23rd. It's pretty incredible how much growth there's been in that branch from when I first got there till now. They are bursting at the seems for a new building and to become a ward. #FruitsInTheValley

Saturday was when I exchanged back to Ada. On the way back we stopped in Stratford and said hi to the Kelleys. I love that family :) When we got back we got called up to do lots of service. We helped a member mow his yard and help a recent convert's non-member husband put up a wall for a shed.

Sometimes I think nothing exciting happens in my week, but then I look at everything I just wrote and realize that so much stuff happens every week! I remembered that today was the day I got baptized! It's been 13 years to the day! I'm now a teenager in the gospel. Ha, let's imagine me repeating those years. Elder and Sister Lemmert showed up to Ada and started their mission not long after I got to Ada in October last year. After being around them for six months now, Sister Lemmert informed me I look and act more mature. What a compliment! If there's been a noticeable difference in six months, I wonder what differences two years will show.

Y'all can be the judge of that. For now, enjoy your April showers!

Elder Garner

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