Monday, July 21, 2014

The Southwest (07/21/2014)

Much to my devastation, the time has come once again: Transfers. After six months of being in Mustang, I am headed back south to Altus, Oklahoma! Population about 20,000 located in Jackson County. I know all about Jackson County, Missouri, and I hope it's not quite like that in Jackson County, Oklahoma. I am now going from the southwest part of Oklahoma City to the southwest part of Oklahoma! The Altus ward is one of the biggest areas in the Oklahoma City Mission. The entire ward covers five counties! Since the ward is split between two sets of elders, my area will probably cover two and a half counties. My area is the Altus West area, which is tucked snugly at the border of the mission on the south and west border of Texas. My new zone is the Burkburnett Zone, which is the zone that covers the Texas areas of the mission.

My thoughts have been swallowed up by transfers. Another change?? I just got used to this recent change of having a new companion (now I have to have ANOTHER one??), new apartment, biking 24/7, and having new sister missionaries in the ward. Once again, off with another transfer. Transfers are always so bittersweet... Just like Purcell, just like Sulphur, and once again with Mustang. I can't believe how much of a home I've made Mustang. These past six months have just felt... right. Like it was just the place I needed to be. 

To send me off, we had a great finding miracle yesterday. We met a couple named Jim and Marie. They were the last house we knocked on for that day. They invited us in and asked us to pray for their children in their various locations. After 20 minutes of getting to know them and praying with them, Marie broke down and informed us that missionaries some 12 years back in Michigan visited her and helped her get through her depression she had at the time. It was very humbling and touching to have heard that experience. I'm grateful for the impact those missionaries had on her. I hope Elder Watkins and his new companion get somewhere with them!

On Saturday, we had a very solemn experience. We attended the funeral of a member of the ward who'd passed away fighting cancer. It was a very spiritual and emotional service. The member lived just a couple apartments north of our building. The first time I ever met him with Elder Bolan, he had us teach him a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the spot. Though the lesson isn't difficult to teach, it was the first time teaching it in a while. And right there it was the first time I'd taught with Elder Bolan and the powerful teaching combination we had. He helped us recognize our spiritual power, and I appreciate him for that. He endured to the end faithfully.

I guess this makes area number four... I may only have one more after Altus, but I hope to grow even more in Altus and in the rest of my mission. Updates on Altus will soon arrive next Monday. Wish me luck! I know the Lord is doing the right thing. I will put my trust in Him.

Elder Garner

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