Monday, July 7, 2014

Patriotism in Mustang (07/07/2014)

Let freedom ring in Oklahoma! Let the gospel ring throughout the world! 

Fun fact, Mustang city limits is the only city in the surrounding OKC metro that still legalizes fireworks. So guess where everyone in Oklahoma County goes? Mustang. Guess where we went to watch fireworks? Mustang! All day all throughout this past week Mustang residents have set off fireworks. Wherever we went we'd hear what sounded like gunshots. Mustang had the nutsiest crowd of firework fanatics the night of the 4th of July! Wherever you turned and looked up you'd see fireworks lighting up the night sky. Super cool... Mustang's the place to be on the 4th of July. 

Aside from all the holiday frenzy we had a great week with Rodney. He's so ready to be baptized on the 12th! It's about time we've seen some fruit from our labors here in Mustang! We spent a lot of time this week with Rodney doing service and getting him prepped from this Saturday. We cleaned up his backyard and got it ready for their "5th of July" celebration they had the day after the 4th. Funny story: The Bennetts have a pet chicken. It just chills and bobs its head forward as it walks around the backyard doing what normal chickens do. Sister Chevalier decided to pick up the chicken, and when she did the chicken freaked out and pooped all over her shirt! I have pictures to prove it! Luckily all four of us were wearing service clothes instead of our church clothes. The chicken got paid back later on that night when Rodney's little brother threw a firecracker next to the chicken and scared it half to death! I have a video to prove it! 

Anyway, that was our week. Just filled with 4th of July activities and wrapping up the discussions with Rodney. It was a great 4th of July. It's sad to think that it's my last 4th of July out here in Oklahoma. I'm blessed to have been able to spend it with good members and solid investigators in one of the most happening places in the OKC mission! The gospel is true! 

Elder Garner

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