Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Changing Air in Altus (07/28/2014)

My biking days in Mustang certainly didn't last very long! When I arrived at transfers I waited and waited for my new companion to arrive, and when he did I got introduced to the Chevy Colorado. The rumors are true, Altus indeed is a truck area. Sounds like a rough area... 

"Rough area" is an understatement. 

The roadtrip to Altus from Mustang opened my eyes up to a new part of Oklahoma I'd never seen before—the southwest flats. Altus is quite possibly the flattest and most barren part of Oklahoma you can find. Miles and miles of farmland and fields as far as the eye can see. The sunsets are incredibly vivid and beautiful. The simplest way to describe Altus is to say that it's very Air Forcey and very retro. There are a couple brand-new Super 8 hotels and a Walmart, but other than that it may as well be 1974 in Altus. I feel as if I've stepped into the 1970s. Other than the new cars people drive, everything else in Altus is about 40 years behind the times. It's kinda cool, actually.

On Thursday we talked to a lady named Virginia. She told us all about her life and her past...deeds. She used to be a dancer. She said something interesting: "I learned more about the world doing that than anything else I did." And unfortunately, she and her family were ruined by it, but from her past experiences she learned the hard way. It makes me so grateful for the gospel to be able to teach us life's most important lessons without having to learn them the hard way! 

On Saturday we drove to Hollis, the town on the very fringes of the Oklahoma and Texas border as well as the mission. A town of about 2,000, and hardly anyone seems to know about the Mormons. We talked to a lady named Tiffany that never knew what a Mormon was until she married one. She was open to learning more. As soon as we have an established way of getting to Hollis from time to time, we'll make regular visits there. 

Church was interesting. The bishopric is kinda quiet. The ward is the smallest I've ever seen. I was told that if it wasn't for the Air Force Base, Altus would be a branch. President Walkenhorst came to church on Sunday, and afterwards we had a ward Linger Longer, so that was fantastic. Lots of new faces and new names. I have no idea what to expect this week. It's all in for a new adventure!

Elder Garner 

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Southwest (07/21/2014)

Much to my devastation, the time has come once again: Transfers. After six months of being in Mustang, I am headed back south to Altus, Oklahoma! Population about 20,000 located in Jackson County. I know all about Jackson County, Missouri, and I hope it's not quite like that in Jackson County, Oklahoma. I am now going from the southwest part of Oklahoma City to the southwest part of Oklahoma! The Altus ward is one of the biggest areas in the Oklahoma City Mission. The entire ward covers five counties! Since the ward is split between two sets of elders, my area will probably cover two and a half counties. My area is the Altus West area, which is tucked snugly at the border of the mission on the south and west border of Texas. My new zone is the Burkburnett Zone, which is the zone that covers the Texas areas of the mission.

My thoughts have been swallowed up by transfers. Another change?? I just got used to this recent change of having a new companion (now I have to have ANOTHER one??), new apartment, biking 24/7, and having new sister missionaries in the ward. Once again, off with another transfer. Transfers are always so bittersweet... Just like Purcell, just like Sulphur, and once again with Mustang. I can't believe how much of a home I've made Mustang. These past six months have just felt... right. Like it was just the place I needed to be. 

To send me off, we had a great finding miracle yesterday. We met a couple named Jim and Marie. They were the last house we knocked on for that day. They invited us in and asked us to pray for their children in their various locations. After 20 minutes of getting to know them and praying with them, Marie broke down and informed us that missionaries some 12 years back in Michigan visited her and helped her get through her depression she had at the time. It was very humbling and touching to have heard that experience. I'm grateful for the impact those missionaries had on her. I hope Elder Watkins and his new companion get somewhere with them!

On Saturday, we had a very solemn experience. We attended the funeral of a member of the ward who'd passed away fighting cancer. It was a very spiritual and emotional service. The member lived just a couple apartments north of our building. The first time I ever met him with Elder Bolan, he had us teach him a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the spot. Though the lesson isn't difficult to teach, it was the first time teaching it in a while. And right there it was the first time I'd taught with Elder Bolan and the powerful teaching combination we had. He helped us recognize our spiritual power, and I appreciate him for that. He endured to the end faithfully.

I guess this makes area number four... I may only have one more after Altus, but I hope to grow even more in Altus and in the rest of my mission. Updates on Altus will soon arrive next Monday. Wish me luck! I know the Lord is doing the right thing. I will put my trust in Him.

Elder Garner

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Mmmmm smells like Oklahoma heat... It's a relief to think that we're halfway through summer. This past week we had a good soak in the Oklahoma sunlight...and a good literal soak in the humidity. It is such a blessing to see a stray hose at a member's house from which you can drink and get your head drenched. It makes a long day not so long.
There's a family in our ward with two adorable girls: Gabby and Gretchen-preschool/early elementary age. They say some pretty funny stuff. On Monday we had dinner and a FHE with them and their parents. Lately the two girls hadn't been obeying their parents... They'd been watching too much Nickelodeon on TV and started having an attitude whenever their parents asked them to do something. So guess what the lesson was on for FHE? Obedience! When Gretchen was asked why it was important to honor her father and her mother, she goes, "UGH. I DON'T KNOW!" And I cracked up. I hope the parents don't think I'm encouraging their behavior...!
Tuesday was our specialized training from our zone leaders. The previous day we went bowling in Moore. I was doing pretty stellar at first by getting a turkey, but after that my bowling performance kinda went to pot. Oh well! 
On Wednesday we got in contact with a few inactive members that normally wouldn't give us the time of day. We had great conversations with them, and their hearts softened! The key to all that? We brought a member out with us to fellowship the less active. We had spent a lot of time visiting less actives just us two, but when we brought a member along it made things flow so much better conversation-wise. We had some pretty great miracles with less actives.
On Friday we did exchanges with the zone leaders. I got to go to Moore on an exchange for the first time. One of the zone leaders interviewed Rodney for his baptism the next day, which by the way was fantastic! Elder Bolan made a guest-star appearance in Mustang and gave a great talk on baptism. After that Rodney entered into the waters of baptism! YEEEEAAAHHHH! He told us how great he felt afterwards... What a great feeling it was to see someone get to this point in their lives. It was a good reminder for me, Elder Bolan, and Elder Watkins.
And yesterday at church. Rodney was confirmed by a newly ordained Melchizedek priesthood holder. Great opportunity for the member to exercise his priesthood! After sacrament we got to do sharing time in primary! Those kids say the darndest things... We asked them what some of the commandments are we need to keep in order to be baptized, and one kid raised his hand and said "don't push your brother off a cliff..." The primary presidency got a kick out of that... Man, good stuff. I really hope to stay in Mustang for just one more transfer. I don't feel ready to leave yet... Whether it's now are in six more weeks, saying goodbye's going to be hard. Only the Lord knows...
Elder Garner  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Patriotism in Mustang (07/07/2014)

Let freedom ring in Oklahoma! Let the gospel ring throughout the world! 

Fun fact, Mustang city limits is the only city in the surrounding OKC metro that still legalizes fireworks. So guess where everyone in Oklahoma County goes? Mustang. Guess where we went to watch fireworks? Mustang! All day all throughout this past week Mustang residents have set off fireworks. Wherever we went we'd hear what sounded like gunshots. Mustang had the nutsiest crowd of firework fanatics the night of the 4th of July! Wherever you turned and looked up you'd see fireworks lighting up the night sky. Super cool... Mustang's the place to be on the 4th of July. 

Aside from all the holiday frenzy we had a great week with Rodney. He's so ready to be baptized on the 12th! It's about time we've seen some fruit from our labors here in Mustang! We spent a lot of time this week with Rodney doing service and getting him prepped from this Saturday. We cleaned up his backyard and got it ready for their "5th of July" celebration they had the day after the 4th. Funny story: The Bennetts have a pet chicken. It just chills and bobs its head forward as it walks around the backyard doing what normal chickens do. Sister Chevalier decided to pick up the chicken, and when she did the chicken freaked out and pooped all over her shirt! I have pictures to prove it! Luckily all four of us were wearing service clothes instead of our church clothes. The chicken got paid back later on that night when Rodney's little brother threw a firecracker next to the chicken and scared it half to death! I have a video to prove it! 

Anyway, that was our week. Just filled with 4th of July activities and wrapping up the discussions with Rodney. It was a great 4th of July. It's sad to think that it's my last 4th of July out here in Oklahoma. I'm blessed to have been able to spend it with good members and solid investigators in one of the most happening places in the OKC mission! The gospel is true! 

Elder Garner

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Progress is FUN! (06/30/2014)

Well, our week wasn't as happy-go-lucky as others, but we did have a couple highlights. Elder Watkins was on the mend this week from the previous week's food poisoning experience. We got to attend our Zone Conference over in Moore with our zone and the other zone in the OKC South Stake. We received some valuable council on baptism, and loving our neighbors, and the fun that comes from making progress. After the conference we had some powerful testimonies from missionaries I had never heard give their testimonies before. So many testimonies to the point that president almost had to tell us to keep them short! Elder Watkins shared his testimony about the strength he'd received the past week from our challenges. I felt so much love from hearing his testimony. So much companionship unity! My MTC companion, Elder Hoddy, talked about a talk that David A. Bednar gave called "The Character of Christ" and how much hearing the talk changed him. Both of us sat next to each other in the MTC auditorium listening to that same talk just over a year ago. As his MTC companion I got to be a personal witness of the change he made. I felt his desire to change for every minute and every word to came from Elder Bednar's talk. I could feel the change in me as well. When he shared that experience during the testimony meeting my nostalgia fire lit up as well as my desire to keep growing and keep progressing as a missionary. Other missionaries talked about their "mid-mission crisis," which seems to be where I'm at right now. Always thinking about the past year of the mission, always thinking about what the next year has in store. Luckily it's a good kind of crisis! 

On Friday I conducted my first exchange! With an elder named Elder Read from North Las Vegas. We got to be pretty good friends by the end of the exchange. I made one more step into the pool of district leaderhood. Being a district leader isn't so bad after all. I guess being called this transfer was as good of a time as ever.

 Earlier this week we tracted into a Vietnamese guy that doesn't speak a lick of Okie English. He was friendly enough to invite us in and speak with us through Google translate on his iPad. We communicated to him enough to where we showed him a couple mormon messages in Vietnamese. Later on in the week we brought him a Vietnamese and English Book of Mormon for him to read side by side. His biggest desire right now is to learn English. We left him with the promise that if he read both books side by side he would learn English. He was excited to read.

Sunday was easily the highlight of the week. We went to church long enough to give our talks in sacrament meeting, all of which turned out well. We spoke with a returned missionary from the ward, and he did a good job speaking. After the first hour me, Elder Watkins, and the sisters jetted off the Pauls Valley to witness the baptism of a member's mother! Sister Ryans, the lady that got baptized, had a hard time getting into the water. She needed a chair to sit down in the font, and she had two elders lower her plank position into the water. After about 20 minutes they got her in! The crowd went wild. Everyone was so thrilled to see her baptized! What a blessing it was to go back to Pauls Valley... Fun to see old faces, fun to see new faces. They had 90 people at church... Pauls Valley is very much on track to become a ward. I hope to be on the mission to see it happen. 

After the baptism we drove up I-35 towards Purcell. We took the exit and drove down Green Avenue. We meandered off into a neighborhood and stopped at a house I'd visited my first day as a missionary. Elder Watkins and I knocked on the door to find my first convert baptism, Carol, still kicking and living the gospel. I hadn't seen her since I got transferred from there August of last year. What a warm and enjoyable visit we had with her. She remembered me and talked to me just as though I'd seen her the other day. It was a much-needed visit for me and for her. Best thing that's happened in a long time.

We had lots of opportunities to witness the growth and progress of others throughout this week. In our area Rodney told us that he was 100% committed and ready for baptism. He told us he has a testimony of the gospel and knew it was true. Music to our ears! We also got to teach a lady named Jo, and she committed to be baptized as well! Yesterday we saw Sister Ryans enter into the waters of baptism, and we saw Carol growing from her living the gospel.

Like the title states, progress is FUN!

Elder Garner