Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Crye, Just a Little (04/07/2014)

Oh goodness, more song references. To start out the week, on Monday we helped an inactive member in the other elders' area, Sister Crye, do some service for her. She had us rake up dog poop... YAY! You know how they have before-and-after pictures of people on diets or people that get plastic surgery and whatnot? We definitely should have taken a before-and-after picture of her yard. The difference between the before and after was incredible, and we all felt proud of our work. We met her daughter, whom the other elders are teaching, and we had an excellent dinner with them. We also discovered that Mauricio, our most solid investigator, moved down to Texas. Elder Bolan and I wanted to cry. 

Then I came down with the sickness on Tuesday... I was in an incredible amount of pain, and I had a very hard time sleeping. Not fun. Another reason I wanted to cry. On Wednesday we helped yet another person from the ward move. Guess who is was this time? The infamous Candice. Remember her? She wrote the 32-page paper on the Japanese Constituation? That's her! She literally moved apartment complexes across the street. We had to haul all her stuff down a floor and then up two floors. She moved from the second floor to the third floor... The humidity set in on Wednesday. All of us thought tornadoes were coming, but none came! All of us were incredibly sweaty after the move. But we felt good about helping her move, no matter what her thought process was behind the move. We felt flattered that she would come to us for help. She asked us to help her out again on Friday! Oh, Candice...

The rest of the week we met with everyone we could to get the word out about General Conference. Who else thought it was super mind-blowing that April 6th, Christ's birth, and General Conference would coincide on the same day? But wow, what a good General Conference! I was so satisfied by the theme of this conference. Elder Holland kicked it off by sharing the story of the sister missionaries who had FOOD thrown at them! I have some pretty deep respect for them. It takes some guts to talk to strangers, and even more guts to walk away from an incident like that gracefully. But the big theme I caught? The world's standards may be deteriorating, but the church's standards remain undeviating. My favorite quote: "Sometimes 'what would Jesus do?' may not always yield the most popular answer." I know living in Utah it wasn't much of a challenge to stand up for the church--the real challenge came from standing up to other members of the church for what's right. Such good talks... I also enjoyed Elder Rasband's talk about Oklahoma. I was only in Oklahoma less than two weeks when all that went down. Hearing his talk brought back some great memories of tornado cleanup and shaking Elder Rasband's hand. My only qualm is that they didn't announce any new temples... Come on, now! But nonetheless, a fantastic General Conference. Have an awesome week!

Elder Garner

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