Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Just a heads up, I am incredibly sick... again.... It's getting very frustrating being sick almost once a month. This is the second or third time I've gotten sick here. I'm starting to worry more and more about my health... It's the same sickness as before, achy everywhere, sore throat, fever symptoms... I've taken medicine but it doesn't seem to making a difference. A priesthood blessing might be in order. So if this email seems super unenthusiastic, just know that it's because my battery is at about 5%! 

We had a 'storm' early Saturday morning and Wednesday, but nothing severe. We just got a little rain and some lightning. There were some tornadoes--we think--and they mostly hit rural areas out in western Oklahoma. All the storms seem to pass Mustang for some reason. That's so fun you got to talk to the Fairbourn's! I sure miss having a senior couple around. The Fairbourns were mentioning the VINEYARDS :) haha. Unfortunately they've kind of fallen off since Elder Zeyer, Elder Linam and I left... It's just not their time I guess. 

I sure wonder about the youth in the 7th ward. We have a severe lack of youth in the Mustang 1st ward--Mustang 2nd took all of them! >:(  Fun updates from Mustang 1st: The other set of elders baptized an 80-year old lady named Lois! She works at the laundromat with a member in the ward, and after four years of seeing missionaries come and go she finally decided she wanted to join the church! She was so excited for her baptism, and watching her get baptized was so so neat! There were lots of missionaries there from all over the mission, so that was a nice little reunion! Let's see... TRANSFERS. All four of us are staying the same. One elder in Mustang 2nd (who was there for 7 and a half months!) is getting transferred to Norman 4th ward. Elder Bolan and I are stoked to be together for another transfer! This makes him my longest companion together! And breaking news--we get to SKYPE for Mother's Day!!!!! I get to see all your lovely faces for the first time in a YEAR! Let everyone know!

I really am not in terrible need of a package. The more stuff I can get rid of, the better... I might send a bunch of stuff home when May 15th comes around. Elder Kahawaii goes home this Thursday. I'm sure he's incredibly homesick. You know what, I think I'll just give you an update right here. My aches are killing me. Next week I'll probably do a double update or something...

So on Monday we had dinner at the Payton's home. They have a ginormous RV! Elder Bolan and I got pictures in the RV in the driver's seat :) On Tuesday we helped some members shovel some dirt into their garden area. Later on that day we FINALLY met with Mike Hulsey--the non-member husband in the part-member Hulsey family. We tried starting a gospel conversation with him about the Restoration, but he got argumentative very quickly, so we kinda changed subjects. Interestingly enough, when he gave us a ride home, he opened up to us about how he's felt towards the gospel. He's actually more open-minded than we thought, he just doesn't want to talk religion around his member wife. So bishop Ketcher offered to have him over at his house and have a lesson there. We'll see how that goes. Mike wants to take us to Bricktown and the Science Museum in OKC. So that's gonna be exciting.

Wednesday was interesting. We visited Candice. We found out some interesting things about her. She lives with her ex-husband. They're more like roommates though. We got to visiting with her, and we SLYLY asked for her birthday and her last name! And on Saturday bishop Ketcher found her records! Later on that day we picked up a new investigator named Harold! We had a great discussion with him, taught him the Restoration, and set a baptismal date with him! Very powerful lesson... Thursday was obnoxious. We were on bikes that day. The wind was even worse than last week! AND, we forgot our phone! The other elders needed us to come with them to teach Lois her last lesson because they couldn't get a third male. But we were three miles from our apartment with no phone! So we frantically went to peoples' homes and asked them if we could use their phone. About an hour later we finally got to a members' house and got access to a phone...but the other elders didn't pick up. So irritating. Elder Bolan and I were quite pooped and upset. The wild goose chase for a phone took us over an hour to find...and we even started knocking on random peoples' doors...which didn't work. We were in Krista's neighborhood, and we haven't been able to get in with them this past week... :( 

Friday was a bust, but the day slowly get better. We went out to Union City for the first time--no members were to be found there. Later that night we had our ward game night. We had an investigator there, which was neat. OH! And did I tell you I got CLUE last week?! The patriarch in our ward/stake bought it for me at a yard sale! That was nice of him. Anyway, the game night was spectacular. Saturday was Lois' baptism, which of course was exciting. And on Sunday we got our transfer calls! We have lots of sister missionaries coming out, so one of the Mustang areas (we aren't sure which) is getting replaced with sisters! Could be me and Elder Bolan's area! We'll see later on in the summer. 

Anyway, hope your week was fantastic. Pray that I will make a quick recovery and figure out what's wrong with my immune system... Love you guys. 

Elder Garner

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