Thursday, August 22, 2013


Remember in Harry Potter how everyone could go from one place to another *snap* just like that? Transfers for missionaries are a lot like that. I've just reached three months in the field and three months in my first area. How could I be moving to my second area?? It's hard to say what I feel about leaving... I feel like we've had so much going for the ward and our investigators, and now it's time to just up and leave. I so so strongly felt Elder Evans would be leaving and I would be staying.  Elder Evans was here for six months and I for only three.  I thought I had more work to do here, but the Lord has other plans for me, I suppose. Saying goodbye to the ward and our investigators was a lot harder than I imagined.  Now it's all fitting, why missionaries feel so heartbroken when they leave for home. It's going to be everything felt in one area but with greater magnitude. Can't I just stay in Purcell until I baptize all our investigators?! We have three families we now have to give up to other missionaries.  Granted, I'm happy for the incoming missionaries, but can't I just stay until they get on the right track of following Christ?!  President Walkenhorst, you're killing me.... 

Elder Evans requested back-to-back exchanges with two sets of companionships in the Norman zone lasting from afternoon to night.  It needed to happen.  I guess he couldn't wait for transfers. Both exchanges were amazing, and I got some great advice from others and peace come to my mind. We got our transfer calls yesterday. Big shock: Both Elder Evans and I are leaving Purcell. He's going to The Village (the fancy area of OKC) and serving with (bigger shock) my MTC companion, Elder Hoddy. I am headed south to Pauls Valley with my new companion, Elder Kahawaii. I'll get back to you when I learn how to pronounce that. Pauls Valley is a large area, but it's a branch. Turns out the Pauls Valley branch and the Noble ward touch each other, so I guess I'm not too far from my first area :) It's going to be a pretty forlorn week.  Elder Evans and I are making our rounds and getting pictures with everyone in the ward before we say goodbye. Today is P-day, we pack up, and we get transferred.

The moment we were told we'd be separated, Elder Evans went back to square 1 with using physical force and insulting me and whatever else.  It was pretty disappointing.  I truly don't think he really changed.  It really reminded me of what you said back in my senior year. I think he's saying those things because he's insecure, so he puts others down to build himself up. I just feel bad for when he has to look for a soul mate and he has to realize this the hard way.  He'll be in for a rude awakening I'm afraid. I'm glad for the things I was taught from him as well as the things I was taught from being with him. I seriously think there's a reason this trio (Elder Hoddy, Elder Evans, and I) are all being partnered up together. Like I said, I'm anxious to find out... haha. From what I've heard, Elder Kahawaii is pretty cool, so I hope that comes true.

We both have gotten this feeling like one of us would leave. The ward and our investigators knew that, but now both of us are leaving.  I trust the new missionaries will take care of them, I just wish it could be me.  We have three families we were working with, and now we've got to turn them over to other missionaries.  I hope I'm not sounding selfish here, but man! We really had something going here in Purcell! 

I know my emails have been short lately, but be prepared to hear some news about Pauls Valley! I'm ready for a new adventure!

With love,
Elder Garner

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