Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paul's Ditch (08/25/2013)

What a forlorn past week this was!  Most of you know Elder Evans, and I got transferred last Sunday.  Elder Evans got transferred to The Village, Oklahoma, which is just northwest of OKC.  He got assigned to my MTC companion, Elder Hoddy.  I got assigned to Pauls Valley South, with is located in Sulphur, Oklahoma.  My new companion is from Hawaii, named Elder Kahawaii.  My new area is now a branch, and we cover Murray County and part of Garvin County.  The best part?  Elder Kahawaii doesn't have his license, so I get to drive!!  We have a sweet Toyota Corolla that's ALL.  MINE.  I wish.  We are one of three sets of missionaries in the Pauls Valley Branch.  There's us two, there's a set in the actual town of Pauls Valley, and we have a senior couple also living in Pauls Valley across the street from the church.  Elder and Sister Fairbourn are actually from Draper!  Oddly enough, Elder Fairbourn was a substitute teacher at Bingham, so I totally recognized him!  It was good to talk with them and get to know them.  Who knew senior missionaries could be so much fun?

Again, this week was kinda dead in terms of missionary work.  Monday was our P-day, and I said goodbye to all the Norman Zone missionaries.  I am now in Duncan Zone, which covers the bottom central chunk of Oklahoma.  It's a widespread area, so we only do zone P-days once a month.  Monday and Tuesday were basically packing and getting pictures with the ward members.  That's all we had time for, and we were still packing Wednesday, the day of transfers.  Wednesday was long. Transfers were great, especially seeing Elder Hoddy, Elder Martin, and all the other missionaries!  I met my new companion, and holy cow, I love this guy!  He's so funny, loving, and helpful.  He's been out for 15 months, so he's had some experience, and he was totally understanding of my situation. We've had a lot of fun together so far. Soooooo he really likes to sing. He also really likes it when others sing with him. I think my family will croak when they find out I will be singing with him to members and investigators! We'll see if anything happens.

Last Saturday Elder Kahawaii and I had the opportunity to go back to my old area and witness the baptism of the John and Cesia! The baptismal service was really neat, and almost all the missionaries in the Norman Zone were there! It was good to see them and the new missionaries that took our spot in Purcell. Elder Evans was there with Elder Hoddy, so that made for a mixed reunion of sorts. Elder Hoddy wanted to talk to me about things that went on with Elder Evans. It was amazing to see him once again and to help him out. I'm sure gonna miss Norman Zone. For now, back to Pauls Ditch! Seriously guys I've come to discover that I'm a city boy! Anyway, hopefully missionary work will resume this next week!

With love,

Elder Garner :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Remember in Harry Potter how everyone could go from one place to another *snap* just like that? Transfers for missionaries are a lot like that. I've just reached three months in the field and three months in my first area. How could I be moving to my second area?? It's hard to say what I feel about leaving... I feel like we've had so much going for the ward and our investigators, and now it's time to just up and leave. I so so strongly felt Elder Evans would be leaving and I would be staying.  Elder Evans was here for six months and I for only three.  I thought I had more work to do here, but the Lord has other plans for me, I suppose. Saying goodbye to the ward and our investigators was a lot harder than I imagined.  Now it's all fitting, why missionaries feel so heartbroken when they leave for home. It's going to be everything felt in one area but with greater magnitude. Can't I just stay in Purcell until I baptize all our investigators?! We have three families we now have to give up to other missionaries.  Granted, I'm happy for the incoming missionaries, but can't I just stay until they get on the right track of following Christ?!  President Walkenhorst, you're killing me.... 

Elder Evans requested back-to-back exchanges with two sets of companionships in the Norman zone lasting from afternoon to night.  It needed to happen.  I guess he couldn't wait for transfers. Both exchanges were amazing, and I got some great advice from others and peace come to my mind. We got our transfer calls yesterday. Big shock: Both Elder Evans and I are leaving Purcell. He's going to The Village (the fancy area of OKC) and serving with (bigger shock) my MTC companion, Elder Hoddy. I am headed south to Pauls Valley with my new companion, Elder Kahawaii. I'll get back to you when I learn how to pronounce that. Pauls Valley is a large area, but it's a branch. Turns out the Pauls Valley branch and the Noble ward touch each other, so I guess I'm not too far from my first area :) It's going to be a pretty forlorn week.  Elder Evans and I are making our rounds and getting pictures with everyone in the ward before we say goodbye. Today is P-day, we pack up, and we get transferred.

The moment we were told we'd be separated, Elder Evans went back to square 1 with using physical force and insulting me and whatever else.  It was pretty disappointing.  I truly don't think he really changed.  It really reminded me of what you said back in my senior year. I think he's saying those things because he's insecure, so he puts others down to build himself up. I just feel bad for when he has to look for a soul mate and he has to realize this the hard way.  He'll be in for a rude awakening I'm afraid. I'm glad for the things I was taught from him as well as the things I was taught from being with him. I seriously think there's a reason this trio (Elder Hoddy, Elder Evans, and I) are all being partnered up together. Like I said, I'm anxious to find out... haha. From what I've heard, Elder Kahawaii is pretty cool, so I hope that comes true.

We both have gotten this feeling like one of us would leave. The ward and our investigators knew that, but now both of us are leaving.  I trust the new missionaries will take care of them, I just wish it could be me.  We have three families we were working with, and now we've got to turn them over to other missionaries.  I hope I'm not sounding selfish here, but man! We really had something going here in Purcell! 

I know my emails have been short lately, but be prepared to hear some news about Pauls Valley! I'm ready for a new adventure!

With love,
Elder Garner

Thursday, August 15, 2013

We Can't Wait to Burn it to the Ground (08/11/2013)

Here in Purcell, America (as Brother Fishburn, one of our 80-year-old members, would say) we had a lot of fires. The first thing that burned down was the bridge my companion was trying to build with me after the many incidents that took place. On Monday he put his hands on me again. After making all those promises several weeks ago saying that he wouldn't do such a thing again and pleading me to not tell President Walkenhorst, it happened. Right now things are in limbo. The Zone Leaders, the mission president, and most likely my family is well aware of the situation. Transfers are soon coming up, and we will be told next week if we are staying together or not. There's no telling right now how long this will go on. President Walkenhorst will need to take this into consideration when the decisions are made. Stay tuned on that!
But let's move on to something else... I'm not here to have a pity party. The second thing that burned down was a house on Adams Street. It was struck by lightning.... Incidentally, we were teaching the Hoffmans, our investigator family, the plan of salvation, and they had a friend sit in on the discussion. That person happened to be the owner of the house that burned down. Amanda and her son Skylar were temporarily living with the Hoffmans, so they got just a glimpse of the gospel in their lives. Hopefully we see more of them.... We don't know where they went, other than Amanda went back to her abusive husband. The Hoffmans are being taught wonders and the mysteries of God are being revealed to them. Their 17-year-old son reads on a 3rd grade level (we had no knowledge of this), so when we asked him to read something, he did so willingly. The parents were shocked that he read in front of strangers!! We told them it was the spirit working in their home to help them understand the things we'd been teaching them! We're now starting to teach the commandments with them. They even came to church yesterday and enjoyed it! We've found the perfect fellowshipping family for them, and baptism is looking like a very real possibility!
This past week we also taught the Komers' children. With them we also began teaching them the commandments. Their baptism is scheduled for the 31st, and it's looking promising! Their parents are such good influences on them, and they need that considering everything they've faced with previous families that didn't want them.
Derrel, Terry, and Tucker had life thrown at them this week.... They got evicted from their house. Supposedly Derrel was spending his money at bars and brothels (we don't know if that's actually true though), and Terry wasn't making any progress. She kept smoking and cussing everyone out. Tucker hitchhiked to Norman to try to get a birth certificate to find a job. Not two days later, the third thing burned to the ground. Their house, the one which we brought the spirit, the one where we brought light, burned to rubble. Carol told us about it. Quick FYI, she's doing just great :) We encouraged her to talk to the bishop, and she's making changes in her life as well as in the gospel. Anyway, we drove by Derrel and Terry's old house the other day to have our fears confirmed: Their house was torched. There was caution tape all over it, and there was a sign saying "ARSON" in big red letters. I saddens me to see how some people choose to live...
Other than that, that's basically everything that happened. I appreciate all the updates about the Elders. I hope they're making some progress back at homebase. Glad to hear about the family events going on! I will definitely write Maddie and ask her all about DC. That's gotta be the coolest US mission ever!

As always, I love you guys.

--Elder Garner

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Day in OKC (08/04/2013)

This week was full of ups and downs. Thankfully, there were more ups. Last Monday we had an amazing day with one of our members. Just some quick background information, Bro. Komers was baptized a member in 2010 after rescuing himself from 18 years of meth and drug abuse. He recently adopted 5 kids!! He's had 2 boys since about May--around when I showed up--and he just barely adopted the rest of the family--3 girls--a few weeks ago. They've been coming to church, but of course none of them know about the gospel. He's a solid member of the church and desires to find missionary opportunities! Last Monday he picked us up for a dinner appointment (our Chevy Malibu already had too many miles, HA). We drove across the bridge into Lexington and around the bend to highway 77 and noticed a lady walking pretty briskly on the side of the road. We barely noticed her, but  the spirit kept poking all of us to ask her if she needed help. So we flipped around and picked her up. We came to find out she was released from the McClain County jail after spending 2 days in there for a speeding ticket. She thought she had paid it, but apparently there was one she hadn't paid for in McClain County. She happened to be carrying a Bible with her... Once she finished her story we introduced ourselves, Bro. Komers shared a little bit of his conversion story, and we got her introduced to the gospel! Her husband was coming from Wetumka to pick her up. So eventually we dropped her off at Pizza Hut, Bro. Komers gave her $20 for some food, and we gave her a Book of Mormon! The best part? She said, "I had no idea there were still people out there like you guys." Wow. Incredible, right? Unfortunately, she doesn't live in our mission--she's barely in the Tulsa mission--but a seed was planted! And we will refer her to the Tulsa missionaries that live near her.
When we arrived we had dinner, and Bro. Komers decided to drop a bomb on us and told us to "get down to the nitty and gritty." And by that he meant teach his kids the missionary discussions! We taught them the Plan of Salvation on Monday, the Restoration on Friday, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ yesterday! The three of them that are old enough to be baptized are being baptized on the 23rd and 24th! We could potentially fulfill 3 out of 100 baptisms this month for the OKC mission! Anyway, it was a super-spiritual lesson--Elder Evans even cried. I've never seen that one before! The oldest one who's 13 said at the end of the lesson, "I just want to be saved." It was amazing... So while we were still thick with the spirit, we took Bro. Komers out with us to visit another family, the Hoffman family, we ran into last week. They're a family that live in a trailer park just north of our apartment complex. Just use Google Maps if you need a visual ;) So there's 5 out of 6 members eligible for baptism, so pray that this happens!! We taught them the Book of Mormon and part of the Restoration! So the best part of the day? 2 member-presents and 8 new investigators!!! That's a record for the both of us. I went to bed with a smile on my face.   
Tuesday was one of those days... Again, I won't go into detail, but basically we didn't do anything that day. We spent the whole day (other than our dinner appointment) having a companionship inventory (that's the nice way of putting it). He called the Zone Leaders for help, but they sided with me. Even after he hung up with the Zone Leaders he kept fighting me on what we were to do. Anyway, it was basically a day wasted. Wednesday mulled things over though. We had our Temple Conference that day. The drive to OKC was amazing! It was like driving from Tremonton to Salt Lake. There were skyscrapers! Anyway, we had a wonderful day at the temple. Our zone, the OKC South zone, and the OKC zone all got to hang out, which brought some relief! We learned some great things from President Walkenhorst and discussed more about his vision for getting 100 baptisms this month. Turns out we had 28 in the month of July. It's going to take a lot of work to do this, but I know the Lord's opening up a way for us! Maybe these new families we've begun teaching will be part of that 100? The OKC temple is tiny! I don't you if you've gone to the temple to do endowments lately, but there's a surprise for you if you haven't seen it already ;) We basically spent the entire day doing that. We came home and had another great lesson with the Hoffmans. We'll be teaching them the Plan of Salvation in a few days. 
Thursday was when we began our 48-hour exchange. Elder Evans enjoys doing 3-day exchanges now. After our emergency exchange with our zone leaders last week, he wanted to do it again this week. I got to go over to Blanchard Thursday afternoon and spend time with one of the new missionaries and drive. his. CAR. Those 2013 Ford Fusions handle rather nicely. ;) Anyway, our exchange was awesome, and I learned so much from this new elder! He in no way appears to be only 3 weeks into the mission. It was fantastic. We exchanged back Saturday afternoon and finished off the day by planning for the next week. FastSunday was awesome. We fasted for member missionary work to increase and for our Ward Mission Leader to have his faith increased in member missionary work. I had a couple other personal things I fasted for! Anyway, we had a great Sabbath day. We got to visit Carol yesterday. She's still struggling financially--her car isn't working now... She is so bent on helping out other people that she doesn't remember to help herself out! That's how incredible of a convert she is. Anyway, we committed her to calling the bishop and talking with him about her situation. She gladly accepted. And here we are!
As of right now the transfer is halfway over. This Saturday we get informed if either Elder Evans or I will be training next transfer (which runs from August 26th to about October 6th). Training seems like a scary thought considering I will have just finished up being trained! But it seems so exciting at the same time!! We'll see what Saturday brings. 
I absolutely loved your missionary experiences. I'm proud of you for being so gusty with the Basses! Member missionary work is on the rise even in Utah! I love it. Anyway, it's good to hear from you guys. Make sure you slap me if I ever say "y'all" or "fixin to" or anything like that. I'm determined not to come home saying those things! Haha, anyway, have a wonderful week!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

100 Souls Saved (07/28/2013)

At the present moment in Purcell, Oklahoma, we are trying very hand to leave July 2013 better than how we began it. This is proving to be difficult considering our area just got split, and the sisters took the majority of the members. Fortunately, our baptism is such a blessing for the month of July that maybe we will have left it better already! I am one-third through this transfer. Cameron told me just before I left that the first three months feel like a year and the last year feels like three months. All the missionaries out here tell me it goes by super fast. Being out for only two and a half months is already making that fact known to me. The days go by so incredibly fast... I can't believe it's already P-day... I can't believe July is almost over. I think about my friends in the MTC at the moment--probably a little more than I should--and it's strange to think some of them are out into the field already. All seems to be well with Sister Berrett. She's got a great companion and an amazing MTC experience under her belt. I heard from Elder Phillips today, and he's in the MTC until August. I'm excited to hear how things are going for him. So Melissa's getting married... TOTALLY called that one. I'm sad I have to miss it, but I'm very happy for her! I'll be anxious to get to know Ty a little bit better when I come home. I only hung out with him a couple times, so I didn't really get to know him before I left. Are the youth in our ward gonna write the missionaries for a mutual activity anytime soon?! We did that a few times while I was there... If I get one from the ward I'll definitely respond!
I will try to give a condensed version of what's going on with our companionship: Currently things have mulled over. President Walkenhorst challenged me to take a bullet for Elder Evans and make him look good every chance I had. Taking a bullet for Elder Evans and making him look good every chance I have is a lot harder than one would expect. Currently I'm trying to uncover the line dividing sincerity and sounding fake. I want to actually compliment him on something, and not just because the president told me to. I'm want to be sincere instead of sounding like I'm just trying to fulfill a job. I want to compliment him on something meaningful instead of telling him that he did a good job of putting his clothes on today. So I guess I'm trying to find meaningful praises instead of just simple things to say. When we had companionship inventory the other day, I was at a loss as to what I should say to him--I mainly thought about all the things he'd done to me throughout the past week. This past week hasn't been any better than previous weeks... When the conversation gives from being civil to yelling and condemnation I immediately and without hesitation move to the other room. Yes, the yelling has continued. One night I went into my closet to get ready for bed, and he slammed the door and sat in front of it and locked me in there... He then called the Zone Leaders and told them he had locked me in the closet. That probably wasn't the most wise thing he'd said to them. He was rebuked quite heavily. He immediately let me out!

At this point, the Zone Leaders have been called more times than I can count with my two hands. Every single call has been from Elder Evans. Calling them has turned somewhat into a dramatic act to cajole me into doing something. The Zone Leaders even agree. On Thursday, we had a disagreement about something. He called the Zone Leaders and asked for an emergency exchange, which lasted for part of ThursdayFriday, and part of Saturday. I was with Elder Ravsten during the exchange. The difference in our work is so incredibly visible. Working with Elder Ravsten yielded so many more results! We got baptismal dates set, more potential investigators, more meaningful lessons, and much more fun together as a companionship. We both got to know a little bit more about each other. I really got to see him as a friend and not just some guy that's responsible for me. He even knew where I was coming from. He's siding with me—yet he's still trying to help out Elder Evans and being loving towards him.

We came to the core root of the why he's feeling the way he does. Now I want you to hear this, because this is something you've told me about other people: We both came to the conclusion that he is insecure. He was raised in a home where he claims that his siblings "walked all over him." As true as this might be, he compares me to his family, saying I walk all over him... He came out here because he wanted to get away from his family for doing those things. He believes I'm doing the same thing his family is doing. Now do you think I conspired with his family and the elders of the mission to walk all over him? No. I have much better things to do than that. The solution? Me trying to find ways to make him feel good and loved. Him recognizing that people are not out to walk all over him. Elder Ravsten and I both think he needs a confidence boost. So right now I am working on trusting him again and looking for ways to be loving towards him.
Okay, that wasn't really a condensed version... ha. But it is what it is. Let's move on to investigators since I haven't said much about them lately. So we have Derrel (65), Terry (40 and a female), Tucker (19), Jay (53), and Vanny (old). Derrel, Terry, and Tucker live under one roof. Tucker is Terry's son, and Terry is the housekeeper of Derrel. Fortunately there isn't a chastity problem between Derrel and Terry (with a 25 years' difference? NASTY NAST!) Terry, unfortunately, is the town ruffian... She's a troublemaker and a rabble rouser. We've been teaching Derrel and Terry for about a month now. Terry has gone downhill...she still smokes and cusses everyone out. Her son moved in just recently, and we began teaching him. There's an abusive relationship between mother and son... Not just that, but we recently found out that Derrel will more than likely be moving to Watonga to get away from her. He can't even get her out of his own house, and neither can the police. That's how bad it is. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is just love them and continue offering the gospel... Derrel was supposed to be baptized in a couple weekends, but that's looking pretty bleak. We may be dropping Terry and Tucker pretty soon as well. Just pray that their situation will get better. We've had to be very cautious when visiting them. Terry's a time-bomb about ready to go off.... Someone's going to be killed--her or someone else.

Fortunately, Jay (who happens to be best friends with a member - The Gowens Family!) came to church for the first time ever!! We had a wonderful gospel conversation with him on Thursday when I was with Elder Ravsten. We'll be teaching him the first discussion shortly. Pray that he will feel the love and support from Bro. Gowens, us, and the people of the LDS church! Now Vanny. She's been a victim of Terry's tirades... She actually told us everything about Terry, and then it was made known to us by her actions shortly thereafter. She's had a lot of crap thrown at her... Her father raped her, for one. She's struggling with forgiveness, but luckily she loves us!! Some missionaries back in 2011 actually ran over her dog with their bikes on accident, but she was kind to them and they felt really bad!! Funny experience.... Pray that she will want to take the step of baptism and be a part of the church!
We had interviews with President Walkenhorst on Friday. He asked me if I was ready to pull the plug on the companionship. I really had to think about that, but I'm glad to report that I've kept my head up and I'm fine with continuing with our companionship. Couple more things he got me thinking about: what is the vision you see for yourself? How are you going to help Elder Evans feel good about himself? And he then dropped a bomb on me (and the entire mission!) that he wants 100 baptisms in the month of August! Our average is usually 25. Crazy, huh?! We'll make it happen though! Fasting and prayer will happen frequently. Anyway, this letter is long enough, but I'm almost done. We get to go to the OKC temple on the 31st with the entire mission. SO looking forward to that! I'll tell you how that goes! To summarize things: My head is still on my shoulders, and it's up high!

Much love, Elder Garner


Dearest Mother and captive audience,

In this day and age it is perfectly acceptable to wear American Eagle moccasins while playing sports! I only played volleyball anyway! Carol certainly is feeling the blessings of being a part of this church. At this point, we are working with the bishop to retain her in the church but teaching her the discussions over again and introducing the temples and the other saving ordinances. That's good to hear what Sister Spencer said!! She is the etiquette queen, so I'm glad she approves. It's funny because she teaches her kids a lot of the same things you did! :) And they have a very clean house, which is a plus. She is a very solid and dedicated member of our ward, and she's great to work with.

Glad to hear about the funeral (I mean the good parts, that is) and about the Nutts! That's gotta be AWESOME! I'm so glad you guys got to see Lindy and those guys! I'm getting pretty consistent letters from Olivia, so now I'm just waiting for Sydney, Hallie, and everyone else. ;) haha just kidding. Good for Ashlyn! She will probably come home around the same time I will! I wish I could have seen more of her before I left... I got an email from Kayla and Henry, and I barely sent one to Zach. Hoping to hear from all of them! Amazing friends right here... That's funny that you found Elder Munoz! He must have been in the same district as Elder Taten Evans!

Oh my goodness...the things I would DO to have Utah heat! It's not the high temperatures that bother me, it's the fact that your hands because a human forehead windshield wiper for your sweat... It's not pleasant. The muggyness and constant sweating is what I can't stand!

Well this week was kinda sluggish.... A lot of our members are/going on vacation, and we are almost out of miles. Plus it seems like the sisters took the majority of the people we were working with! One of our investigators is getting involved with the wrong things... She's not following the Word of Wisdom and she's known as the town ruffian, which we never knew about until recently. We are approaching the situation with great caution. We had an amazing exchange on Friday! I went with another elder (Elder Owen) and went over to his area in Blanchard while his companion went with Elder Evans in my area. We spent time trying out potential investigators. We had some AMAZING experiences! Elder Owen and I decided to say a prayer right before we knocked on someone's door. He had yet to say a prayer with these people. We said a prayer to get into the house, and we miraculously did just that! Not only that, but Elder Owen and I both experienced our first Heavenly Gift kneeling down in someone's home! They really felt the spirit, and I can only wonder what amazing things will happen when Elder Owen and his companion go back! Okay, so I don't know if I ever told you what a Heavenly Gift is, but basically it's when you go tracting, someone opens their door, and you offer to say a prayer with them on whatever they need in their life. Offering up a prayer for people is what the mission calls the Heavenly Gift. Most people accept it, so it works well. Most Heavenly Gifts take place on the porch, so the fact that we got to kneel down with a family inside their home meant a lot to us!! We ran into some other people while we were biking and picked up some potentials while trying potentials! We even got to talk to Elder Owen's downstairs neighbors, and they will be having dinner with he and his companion! Anyway, some great things happened, and I kinda wish it happened in my area... but at least Elder Evans and Elder Ott did some great things in my area.

Yesterday had an interesting path in store for us... We went to try one of our investigators (we were on bikes). We got a call from our Zone Leaders to try a new member family that had moved into our ward that lives on Southridge. Well, we came to find out that there's a Southridge road in both our area and in the sisters' area... The new member family is actually in the sisters' area! While biking back from our Southridge road, we biked under the overpass of I-35 to find a hitchhiker hanging out under the overpass asking us if we had any water! One thing led to another, we gave him some water (which we conveniently had!), and we had a gospel discussion! We gave him a Book of Mormon, some more water, and a Restoration pamphlet. He walked from Ardmore (which is southern Oklahoma) all the way here, and he's trying to get to Montana to find out his purpose and a place to call home. It sounded like he'd been through a lot... Eventually we sent him on his way and encouraged him to seek a new adventure in God when he finished his current adventure. I wonder if I'll ever see him again... In any case, seeds were planted there.

Keep praying for our companionship. Improvement is slow, but progress is being made. Yelling and talking down to me still occurs. We both got humility lessons from our Zone Leaders. I gained some amazing things out of that! It was made apparent to me that you won't be weak or walked all over if you choose to be humble. Never once did the humble guy lose. We both have things to work on, and I especially need to not put up my punching gloves when something is said to me! He's striving to let things go that bother him. I don't try to irritate him by any means, but he's working hard not to be frustrated and bite me over everything. Most of all, I'm still trying to warm up to him due to everything that's happened... It's something that doesn't happen overnight. He's aware of that fact, and he's working towards me being comfortable around him so I can perform to the best of my abilities when I'm around him. We are having a Zone Conference tomorrow, and we get to go the OKC temple on the 31st!!!! That's going to be amazing!!

OH! And funny story... Sister Pfister made it known to me that I look like a 12-year-old with a 30-year-old voice... hahahaha. It was hilarious! We have some amazing sister missionaries in our ward, though! They are doing some amazing work over in Noble! It's always fun to hear the great things they're doing!

I love my wonderful audience and my family :)
--Elder Garner