Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I got your package, and the cream wafers survived ;) hahaha and they taste pretty darn good! The iPod arrived safely and the church music sounds great! No tornadoes or severe weather lately, but I hear it's supposed to be super hot this week... yuck. 

Stephanie is getting baptized, but we have to clear it with her aunt (Rhonda, one of our other investigators) and uncle (whom we haven't met yet) to make sure it's okay. Rhonda's also not sure if her husband will let her be baptized... I'm praying hard that we'll get them baptized and that the Lord will open a way to have them come to an understanding of the gospel and to have them be fully converted to the gospel. Carol made it to church yesterday!! Is it weird to say that I cried when she told us she finally got the hours off to attend sacrament meeting? Our patience and faith finally paid off!! Guess what else? We picked up some new investigators!!

I went on an exchange with an elder in my district, and I EVEN GOT TO DRIVE THE CAR! That was the best part. Not really! Ha, but we were going to visit a potential investigator to read the Book of Mormon with her, and another guy named Shane came out of the house, listened to us, and even told us to try this guy named Derrel that lives across the street from them! He's a lonely guy whose wife passed away in 2006, and he's very receptive to the Book of Mormon and our message! We picked up another guy named Jay who's really good friends with a member in our ward. We're giving him two weeks to read some of the Book of Mormon, and after that he'll ask us questions and get him going on the discussions. In summary, we picked up several new potential investigators, and we are now at six investigators! YEAH! Feels good....
That's probably the most notable part of the week. The Worldwide Leadership Training was AMAZING, and much needed! I really love how it emphasized members and ward mission leaders! I cannot stress to you guys how important it is to have members out with us and giving us referrals! Oh, and the video of the Stillwater missionaries? Yeah, one of those elders was TOTALLY in my district at the MTC, and another one of the elders (the one that showed up the most in the video) is in my zone right now! Haven't talked to him much, but he's a good guy :) Those videos must have been made really recently if one of the elders in my MTC district is in it! Anyway, the meeting was good stuff! Elder Guajardo sent me a letter, which I got. Made. My. Day. I sure do miss those guys.

Tyler's training someone already?! That's wild. My trainer's been out for almost 18 months and I'm the first guy he's trained.

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