Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It's June 17th, so I've been out for over a month now... Honestly I don't know where the time goes. One month seems like so long, yet so short at the same time...

That's really good that you guys all got to spend time together for Father's Day. I'm hoping dad had a good day! I'm sure dinner must've tasted yummy... Good to hear about Elder Needs. The one regret I have is that I missed the opportunity to go out with them before I left! I cannot tell you how important it is to get those members out with the missionaries!! Luckily our ward in Oklahoma is good with that stuff! Let's see....haven't got the package yet, but I actually thought of a few more things you could send me ;) I was thinking the lime-green bandana and my Fila shoes (they're in my closet, they're black and lime green), two pairs of sunglasses (my blue-lensed ones and my silver-lensed aviator sunglasses), the map of Oklahoma if I didn't mention that already, and anything else I mentioned last week. All of these things besides the map should be in my room.

Well, this past week was tornadoless! Yippie skip. We've had some storms, though. Apparently you can have "thundersnow" here in Oklahoma. We haven't had snow, but there are times when it'll snow and thunder at the same time...hahaha interesting. This past week was slow with investigators. Two of them are at Girl's Camp, which of course is good, one of them hasn't been available, and the last one we've been seeing almost on a daily basis. More on the investigators in a sec!

We had dinner at a member's house, the Komers family. Bro. Komers is a convert to the church, been a member for about three years, and before he joined he was in prison and addicted to meth for 18 years... The best part of being in Oklahoma is hearing conversion stories of other people. Bro. Komers found God in his life at such a low point, and he recognized who he really was when he got off the meth. His story is pretty long, so I won't share it, but it's really eye-opening to see how people were converted to the gospel! Anyway, we had dinner at his house, then he took us out in his Ford F-150 to find a referral that we'd received from doing tornado cleanup! I don't know if I told you this, but we're completely finished with tornado cleanup, and we got a potential investigator named Paula from helping clean up her yard! Anyway, the GPS told us to go down a certain road and go to a certain house, and it turns out we went to the wrong house..........which of course is never a "wrong" house. This nonmember guy came out of his mobile home and talked to us after we asked him if he knew where Paula lived. He didn't, but he told us a little bit about his life. Apparently he has three sons in prison from drug abuse pertaining to meth. BINGO. That's where Bro. Komers stepped in. I knew the GPS told us to go to that house so that we could talk to this guy! Bro. Komers told his story to the guy, and he related with him better than we as missionaries could have related to him. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and we left him with a prayer. It really was a finding miracle... Eventually we did arrive at Paula's house, but she wasn't home... Hopefully we'll see more of both of them! So far, we've planted seeds in their hearts.  

I FINALLY had my meeting with all the new missionaries. Just as I had predicted, the meeting helped me out a lot. I learned so much there, and it's unfortunate that the Taylors are leaving in just a couple weeks, but I'm sure the Walkenhorsts will be fantastic. I think all of us new missionaries have grown a lot in the past two weeks that we've been in the field. I have a better grip on the area, and I think I can drive to my member's storm shelter if I had to! Hahaha.

I got to do an exchange with Elder Kennedy, one of my zone leaders, while Elder Evans went with Elder Ravsten, the other zone leader. We had a very successful night! We picked up a potential investigator and had a very spiritual discussion with a less active member! We did some service at a church in Newcastle and unloaded some tornado cleanup equipment.

Father's Day was fantastic. For the first time being here in Oklahoma, I finally had the opportunity to go to a full three hours of church with my ward! It's about time! We had a delicious lunch at a member's house, and their rolls tasted just like yours......mmmmhhhhmmmmm so good!! I think I'm even gaining weight! I'm around 145 now! Oklahoma is working wonders! Ha.

Carol: She's 62, smokes, lives in a rundown house, has a low-income job, but she has more faith than anyone I've ever MET. True story. She's an investigator, but she loves the Lord so much. We've taught her most of the lessons, and she's working towards quitting coffee and smoking. She accepts the lessons well and she wants to come to church, but can't get Sundays off! She honestly does want to come to church, and we're praying with her! We see her the most, almost everyday, and she's really promising.

Chylee: She's a member's 12-year-old child in his custody. He wants us to teach her now that he was custody over her. We've had a hard time reaching her since she's been gone with her mom and at girl's camp. I've only visited her once (yesterday), and we taught her the word of wisdom. She might have a hard time giving up tea, but she accepts it. Her cousin, Presley, was with us when we taught her, so maybe Presley might become an investigator?

Stephanie: She's also 12. She was at girl's camp this past week, and I've only seen her once. We're teaching her a lesson tonight! She really does want to be baptized, so it's just a matter of teaching her the lessons. She's best friends with a girl named Alyssa, who's a member along with her mom and sister. We're teaching her the commandments and getting her ready for baptism!

Rhonda: She is in her 50s and the legal guardian over Stephanie, and she's Stephanie's aunt. We usually teach her with Stephanie. I haven't met her yet, but I will tonight. She became interested when she asked if she could listen in on what Stephanie was being taught, and now she's an investigator!

That's them. We're hoping to pick up some more investigators, because we have a lottttt of potential investigators right now. These were the main happenings of the week. Lately we've been looking around for a new apartment, because the one's we're in right now have issues.... I told you about the girl who asked us the provocative questions! We saw her a couple times this week.... Remember in The Sword and the Stone when Arthur gets turned into a squirrel and gets chased after by the lady squirrel?!?!?! Our neighbor=the lady squirrel. Not just that, but we've had some mold problems and neighbors that smoke. Oh, and we're getting another set of missionaries in our area pretty soon, so we need to find apartments for them as well. The best thing we can do (and the thing that they've TOLD us to do) is just to send things to the mission office, then they'll forward it to our address. And honestly, I don't even know my address...hahaha. I know my car license plate number, though! Ha, anyway, I think this week should be a good week! I'll finally be able to meet all my investgators and help them progress towards baptism! Hope you have an awesome week!

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