Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How Far's that Airplane? (03/16/2015)

Like, 10 miles? Nope! Anyone that's served a mission has heard this joke. It's a trick question. The airplane isn't measured in distance, it's measured in time! This question kinda got thrown in my face earlier this week when I opened the letter from the Church telling me that I would be flying from Oklahoma to Salt Lake on the morning of May 14th! That news came two months too early!

This week we had a Specialized Training on teaching about our purpose to those we meet. We learned about finding the elect and setting expectations with investigators. Earlier that day we got to go to the Boger's house in Pauls Valley and spend our P-day there as a zone. It was a lot of fun. The next day we got to eat dinner with a less active member. He took us to Chili's. In his own words, he told me "you're learning so much right now, and soon you're going to EXPLODE with knowledge!" So I guess Oklahoma hasn't totally fried my brain yet? But Bro. Johnson made a good point. I'm learning a lot, and it's going to continue to be that way.

We had something come up with a family in the ward. They're struggling financially, and after basically cutting off contact with us and the ward for two months, they're finally ready to have us come by on a more regular basis again. They made some mistakes, and now they recognize the need to get back into church and reading the scriptures and strengthening their family relationships. We got the whole family to church on Sunday, and the bishop is helping them out as well.

On Thursday, I was separated from my companion as he went up to Oklahoma City for a meeting.  I stayed behind to do exchanges in Seminole, a branch just north of Ada. I got to see Elder Faulkner, one of my buddies that I served around while I was in Mustang. He flies home on the airplane with me! I spent the day with Elder Murphy and worked in Seminole and Wewoka. I always love going to new places in Oklahoma. We taught some of their investigators and did some finding in their area. I found out that Wewoka is the black capitol of Oklahoma. Pretty sweet.

Friday it drizzled, then rained, then downpoured. While walking outside, we were stopped by two Indian men, and they asked us for some cash. We gave them something more valuable: the Book of Mormon! We told them what it is about and how it could bless their lives. They were about to leave, but once we gave the book to them and talked about it, they wanted to learn more!

And Sunday was crazy. We got the struggling family in the ward to church, and a few others that hadn't been, came to church. We had a great turnout! Later that day we went to visit a less active member.

I'm so grateful for missionary work and for the gospel. It's a way for each of us to become the best people we can be and a way to recognize all the God has done for us. It's such a blessing to be with the people of Oklahoma. To learn about them, learn with them, and help them receive the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder Garner  

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