Monday, November 3, 2014

From Six to Eight (11/03/2014)

The work of salvation is hastening in the Ada, Oklahoma ward! We recently just welcomed a new senior couple into the ward! From the short time we've known them they seem really awesome and ready to engage in the work.

This week we spent a lot of time with the Buckmasters, a recent convert family in our area. We taught them a little bit about the Plan of Salvation, specifically the Spirit world. We helped them with some challenges they're currently facing, and they seemed receptive to the spirit in our visit. President Walkenhorst gave us permission to play board games with Bro. Buckmaster on Halloween night. His favorite hobby is playing board games. We got to play Seven Wonders and get to know him better. On Saturday we went over to their house to pull a dead animal out from under their house, but luckily there wasn't one there! 

Wednesday was the ward Trunk or Treat. I hardly knew anyone, especially since they were all dressed up. I have to say it brought back some wonderful memories of watching the Testaments and having a sleepover at the Pauls Valley elders' apartment last year. I grabbed some candy for the Walls family, the relatives of the recent convert Elder Fuller and the elder I replaced just baptized my first weekend in Ada. We're currently teaching her cousin and boyfriend, Nana and Jared.

On Thursday we got to do service in a town called Coalgate near the eastern edge of the mission. Going from west to east! Lemme tell ya! We helped a member from OKC move some stuff into a storage unit. He will be living in Coalgate for a while to take care of his dad. 

On Saturday we took the Lemmerts to see a couple investigators all living together. They got broadsided by the infamous Okie talking! Nonetheless we had a good discussion with them and got to set some expectations for us coming by and sharing messages with them. They hadn't been taught by missionaries for a while now, so hopefully things will start to pick up with them.

And yesterday was Fast Sunday, of course. The Norman Stake is doing a 30-day fast where someone in the Norman fast for a day, then the next day someone else fasts, and so on. The stake is fasting for missionary work to increase in all the wards and branches. With Ada growing the way it is, they are on track to get a brand-new building sometime next year/early 2016. Sounds like I have two destinations to visit: Pauls Valley becoming a ward, and Ada getting a new building! All because of the hastening of the work of salvation... Love it.

Elder Garner

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