Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Mmmmm smells like Oklahoma heat... It's a relief to think that we're halfway through summer. This past week we had a good soak in the Oklahoma sunlight...and a good literal soak in the humidity. It is such a blessing to see a stray hose at a member's house from which you can drink and get your head drenched. It makes a long day not so long.
There's a family in our ward with two adorable girls: Gabby and Gretchen-preschool/early elementary age. They say some pretty funny stuff. On Monday we had dinner and a FHE with them and their parents. Lately the two girls hadn't been obeying their parents... They'd been watching too much Nickelodeon on TV and started having an attitude whenever their parents asked them to do something. So guess what the lesson was on for FHE? Obedience! When Gretchen was asked why it was important to honor her father and her mother, she goes, "UGH. I DON'T KNOW!" And I cracked up. I hope the parents don't think I'm encouraging their behavior...!
Tuesday was our specialized training from our zone leaders. The previous day we went bowling in Moore. I was doing pretty stellar at first by getting a turkey, but after that my bowling performance kinda went to pot. Oh well! 
On Wednesday we got in contact with a few inactive members that normally wouldn't give us the time of day. We had great conversations with them, and their hearts softened! The key to all that? We brought a member out with us to fellowship the less active. We had spent a lot of time visiting less actives just us two, but when we brought a member along it made things flow so much better conversation-wise. We had some pretty great miracles with less actives.
On Friday we did exchanges with the zone leaders. I got to go to Moore on an exchange for the first time. One of the zone leaders interviewed Rodney for his baptism the next day, which by the way was fantastic! Elder Bolan made a guest-star appearance in Mustang and gave a great talk on baptism. After that Rodney entered into the waters of baptism! YEEEEAAAHHHH! He told us how great he felt afterwards... What a great feeling it was to see someone get to this point in their lives. It was a good reminder for me, Elder Bolan, and Elder Watkins.
And yesterday at church. Rodney was confirmed by a newly ordained Melchizedek priesthood holder. Great opportunity for the member to exercise his priesthood! After sacrament we got to do sharing time in primary! Those kids say the darndest things... We asked them what some of the commandments are we need to keep in order to be baptized, and one kid raised his hand and said "don't push your brother off a cliff..." The primary presidency got a kick out of that... Man, good stuff. I really hope to stay in Mustang for just one more transfer. I don't feel ready to leave yet... Whether it's now are in six more weeks, saying goodbye's going to be hard. Only the Lord knows...
Elder Garner  

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