Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Am NOT an Okie! (01/13/2014)

Everybody gather round, it's story time...
This week was 'Tract in Wynnewood' week. For those that don't know, Wynnewood (WIN-ee-wood) is a smallish town located between Davis and Pauls Valley. I don't remember if I told you guys this, but we did a little business deal with the Pauls Valley elders and switched one of our small towns for one of their small towns. We traded the town of Stratford for Wynnewood. So lately we've done lots and lots of door-knocking there and digging up less actives that haven't been visited in a while. We knocked on a house to find a lady that thought we were Jehovah's Witnesses (which happens quite frequently). She had a granddaughter standing behind her just kinda looking at us. When we set up an appointment to visit this lady she told us to visit her on "Saturdy." Granted, in Oklahoma that's pretty normal to leave the "a" out when pronouncing your days of the week. But the lady's granddaughter wasn't HAVING it! 
"How bout Saturdy?" the lady asked us.
"NO!" her granddaughter yells. We all look at her wondering why we can't come by on "Saturdy."
"It's SaturDAY, not SaturDY!" she says. And then she literally went through all the days of the week and corrected her Grandma on how to pronounce the names of each day of the week.
"It's not Mondy, it's MONDAY! It's not Tuesdy, it's TUESDAY! It's not Wednesdy, it's WEDNESDAY! It's not Thursdy it'sTHURSDAY!" Her Grandma starts rolling her eyes and turning red at this point. "It's not Fridy, it's FRIDAY! It's not Saturdy it'sSATURDAY! And it is not Sundy, it's SUNDAY!!!" And she turns around and flounces off.
".....Okay, we'll see you on Saturday then," the lady says with a breath of exasperation. Funniest part.... Her granddaughter comes back and says:
"I am NOT an Okie!"
And so this update is dedicated to this lady's granddaughter, whose name I unfortunately do not know! That all happened on WednesdayOn Monday we had our zone P-day in Pauls Valley. Since there's only one missionary apartment with a shower, we weren't able to do anything physical and sweat-inducing, so we played Signs. Definitely a different zone P-day, but it was awesome.
Tuesday was pretty funny. We taught the ten commandments to an investigator named Alex. When we told him that commandment #7 was "thou shalt not commit adultery," he felt the need to tell us that "chemotherapy took it all right out of him" (whatever IT is!) and that he hadn't had sex in 25 years.... WELL. Law of Chastity won't be a problem then! I swear, the things people tell us missionaries...hahaha. 
So that's pretty much our week. Holidays are long over, but we're still getting a lot of cancelled appointments with investigators. We've focused a lot on teaching our recent converts, Tammy and Thomas. Our current investigators are pretty solid--just hard to meet with. I'll be sure to let y'all know when anything exciting starts happening with them!
And you know...since I've got extra time today, I'll include a little spiritual thought. I really don't do enough of those... But today I feel like sharing Helaman 5:45-47, which reads:
"And behold, the Holy Spirit of God did come down from heaven, and did enter into their hearts, and they were filled as if with fire, and they could speak forth marvelous words. And it came to pass that there came a voice unto them, yea, a pleasant voice, as if it were a whisper, saying: Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world."
I'm out here to let the people of Oklahoma know that the Holy Spirit of God teaches and adds witness to the words I speak. I'm here to share with the them the peace and comfort that comes from having faith in the Lord and keeping his commandments. And I'm here to testify of the Book of Mormon and of the Restoration through the prophet Joseph Smith and allowing them to feel that Holy Spirit of God confirm the truth to them. There's nothing like it, and it's what the Lord called me to do! I already have one-third of this mission to look back, but I look forward to the remaining time I have out here to build the Lord's kingdom!

Elder Garner 

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