Monday, September 16, 2013

Sprakenzie Deutsche? (09/16/2013)

Or however you spell it... that's "do you speak German?"

It's been a good week this week! Things are picking up slightly in the Sulphur area of the Pauls Valley Branch. We haven't seen Lisa all too much lately. We're hoping to see her today though. We had a miracle on Wednesday! In Branch Council last Sunday we were given a list of people that had recently moved into the area. We noticed a lady had moved into the Sulphur area, so we decided to try her out. Her name's Sharon, and she moved into the area a couple weeks ago. She lives with her daughter, Wendy, and her grandson, Thomas. Both Sharon and Wendy are divorced. Sharon is big into family history and is related to a lot of royalty and other famous figures! She's a little bit of a linguist, and she can even whistle through the gap of her teeth. She's got some spice for being in her sixties! She surprised Elder Kahawaii when she asked me "sprakenzie deutsche?" I obviously said no, but now that's all Elder Kahawaii says to me!! It's pretty funny! She's definitely is full of knowledge, and she looks out for her family. 

Right before we left we asked her if there was anything we could do for her. She asked us if we could give her daughter and her grandson priesthood blessings. Both of them were feeling pretty sick, and Wendy (who's less active) wanted to get back into church so she could set a good example for her son. Now that the three of them are living together Sharon and Wendy want her (grand)son to be taught the missionary discussions and become baptized!! We gladly obliged, and we're teaching him the third lesson today after we have dinner at their house! We've finally been able to get some member-presents! All three of them even came to church yesterday and got lots of welcome from the branch!

That's the big news. We also got to go to Norman to see Bro. and Sis. Komers have two more of their adopted kids get baptized on Saturday!! Once again it was amazing to see some people in my old area where I served. Lots of missionaries were there to support. 

Trainer calls come this Saturday... we'll find out in a few days.

Love you guys,
Elder Garner

P.S. Hope you like the picture. Elder Kahawaii and I had a watermelon chopping project. ;)

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