Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Crazy Week (06/10/2013)

All righty, here we go:
Let's start with your questions: I'm still alive, and tornadoes have largely dominated the mission. Supposedly there are more coming this week... We didn't have any major ones this past week, but there was one that was really minor and hit a city not far from us. In terms of service, we've only been doing it on the weekends since our area wasn't affected by the tornadoes. Some missionaries have been working almost everyday though, which seems unimaginable. I'm so dark now! I don't think I've been this tan since Trek! I've taken pictures, but I forgot my camera cord! I have pictures of wall clouds and just a little taste of the tornado destruction that's hit the area. We've successfully been able to gain some investigators from this, and they've all recognized us for our help and really feel the spirit! Yes, Elder Rasband visited us, and it turns out he stayed at a hotel right here in Purcell! Cool stuff. Anyway, I believe the Walkenhorsts arrive at the end of the month... Yes, he's 7 feet tall, but I think his wife is 5'6" and not 6'6"! I guess I'll find out. I'm finally getting my orientation, so hopefully that covers everything I need to know about the mission! Goodness....I miss the Berretts, and Zach and Henry!  I think of those guys a lot. I'm not homesick though :) If I could just have all my friends come out to Oklahoma!

I can't believe it's P day already... Maybe these next two years really will go by fast! This past week we've mostly been looking for less actives to teach and trying to collaborate with our investigators. We've picked up some potential investigators, but the hardest thing right now is getting people to cross the bridge between potential investigator and an actual investigator. A lot of people in Oklahoma don't answer their doors--even if we know they're home. I'm sure that goes for a lot of other places, but people here can be so funny... The excuses they think of to avoid opening the door just cracks me up! You have to find humor in things like that, otherwise it'll really bring you down. I'm hoping this week will go smoothly and that the veteran meeting (the meeting all the new missionaries go to after two weeks to become "veterans") will clear things up.

I should probably head--I'm kinda hungry! Really though, I have to wrap things up. I'll let you know who our investigators are and how they're doing. We have four sisters ranging from 12 to 62 that are really promising investigators. I easily can see baptism in all of them. Hopefully all the tornado stuff will calm down--President Taylor has informed us that we will be going back to regular missionary work now unless they direct otherwise.

Anyway, that's life right now. And my stomach just growled...............

Much love,
Elder Garner

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