Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Declaring in Sobriety (03/09/2015)

Fellas, we had a breakthrough this week. A couple, actually, but I'll tell you about the Ada gang's little breakthrough we all had on Friday night.

We all got food poisoning...

There was one sister that lucked out, but the other five of us younger missionaries partook a slice of the forbidden pizza (which I ordered, oops!). For Sister Moore's birthday we went to Mazzio's, an Oklahoma pizza joint, and ordered a meat lovers and a chicken alfredo pizza. I ordered the chicken alfredo...ha. Sister Drinkall only ate the meat lovers pizza and avoided the food poisoning completely. So the next day we all felt the effects of it, and you could say that our insides made a breakthrough...on both ends. Poor Sister Moore, she threw up in the waiting room of the ER--in front of elders! But we won't hold it against her :) And just so everyone knows: We didn't go into the ER because of our food poisoning, we went to help minister to someone that needed a blessing :)

So before all that yahooness happened, we had a legit breakthrough with one of our long-time investigators. Rusty is generally drunk and cussing and emotional about his life whenever we come over, so we usually just read a scripture and give him a pep talk about repentance and how he can change his life. One random visit, however, and come to find out he gave up the desire to get drunk. Now we just need him to give up beer and smoking completely. We got him a ride to Book of Mormon class that night, which was on Moroni 7 about charity. He enjoyed the chapter. Afterwards we taught him a lesson in the church on prayer and set a baptismal date for the 18th of April.

Wednesday was once again another snow day. We were able to spend some time with the Walls though before our cars got grounded, since we knew they would be grounded. The Walls are the main fellowshippers for Memery and Zavior. Sister Walls and her kids all got baptized in December of '13, and she does missionary work like crazy. The next day on Sister Moore's birthday they invited us to their house for cupcakes for Sister Moore's birthday. Sister Walls and her daughter-in-law, Ashley (our recent convert) got in a huge cupcake fight and splatted each others' faces with cupcake! So darn entertaining ...

Thursday we focused a lot of our day on finding. We found a few potentials, and afterwards went out with a member to teach Memery. She had some questions about how to handle overly suggestive men her age, so we helped out with that and threw in some gospel advice. That's kinda the most important ingredient. We're plugging along with her and Zavior. Our next goal is to help Zavior get the priesthood and get him up there passing the sacrament with the rest of the deacons.

Friday we had the opportunity to go to Mercy Hospital and give someone a blessing. It was after the blessing that Sister Moore lost it in the ER. Later on we got to teach another recent convert's brother and his fiancee. We taught about the Plan of Salvation since they recently experienced a death in their family. We testified of the importance of God's eternal plan for us and the peace that it brings to all humankind. We received the biggest tender mercy from Heavenly Father that day, because as soon as we got out of that lesson we went straight back to our apartment. After that lesson was when things really started going downhill with the food poisoning. Saturday consisted of us recovering and eating at Bishop's house.

All safe and blessed though! We feel a lot better, and now that the sun's coming out our proselyting shouldn't be hindered anymore :)

Elder Garner

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