Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I really don't have one word or phrase to sum up the things that happened this week, so this week will have multiple titles I think... Yeah, let's go with it:

Battle Scars

That's a GREAT title. Mom it's okay, I'm alive. I'll just put it like this, we had a tough week! The Lord was definitely testing us and seeing if Elder Tanner and I could get out alive. Our wheels kept spinning and spinning as people kept getting sick and telling us they couldn't meet. This lasted for a few days, but the week got better as the days passed. But the battle scars! Here's what happened: On Wednesday the sisters enlisted our help (the two skinny elders, of course) to help one of their investigators uproot the tree roots in his front yard. We got to use an ax, a pickax, and a shovel. The pickax was so fun, I truly represented Bingham High School. We should be going back there some time, and when we do I'm getting pictures! Anyways, we hacked and pulled out those roots for two or three hours! I got blisters! And the investigator accidentally swung the ax and hit Elder Tanner's leg! Good thing it wasn't chopped off. Anyway, nothing hospital worthy at least.

Go Tigers... I Mean Cougars

On Tuesday we went with the sisters inside one of the dorms over at East Central University. MAN, it reminded me so much of Heritage Halls at BYU. My thoughts were spinning everywhere! The sisters are starting up a club/institution over at ECU and need signatures and officers for their club. Elder Tanner happened to know a college student going to ECU from one of his old areas, so he got the sisters hooked up with the signature and they got their club all squared away. The Norman Stake wants to show The Lamb of God at the Kerr Center at ECU, and having the club there will get that up and going come Easter time. 

On Friday we took a road trip with the Lemmerts to Roff, a little town just southwest of Ada. It was my second time going there in four months. We met a couple people we hadn't met before, but we probably won't go back there for another four months. We were exceedingly Roff...ha.

Dumpster Burning

So even though the middle of the week wasn't that grand, Saturday was glorious! We got called by four or five people that legitimately wanted us to see them! No one just does that! I guess a lot of the excitement was stacking up for the weekend. It started with the Buckmasters asking us to help them clean up their front yard. Their trash services got turned off...so they're been burning their trash in their dumpster. We helped them get rid of bunches of garbage. We watched a lot of random objects burn. They had a little Tow Mater toy truck that we watched burn. It was sad, but kinda funny to watch at the same time. Watching his teeth and eyes and truck bed melt... It reminded me of scout camp. I have the Church to thank for that! After that we helped with: interpreting someone's dreams, installing a car stereo system, reminding people about church, and giving a blessing to someone ready to move to Utah.

Sunday was amazing. We had a great turnout and Zavior came! He even stayed for the potluck afterwards! He's set for getting baptized this Saturday on Valentine's Day! So this next week we'll be working feverishly with him to get him prepared for baptism this Saturday. He bore his testimony again in Deacons Quorum. He talked about how he'd been praying to find answers to the Book of Mormon and about the church. His mom helped him recognize the answer! She told him, "haven't you noticed the missionaries coming over more to try to help you out?" and that was the game changer. Thanks, Zavior's mom. A little update with Zavior's mom, Memory. She got a job at AutoZone and got Sundays off! Yes! And she's expressed a desire to be baptized, so that should happen sometime within the next month of two. 

And that was our week. This week should be crazy and fun. We get transfer news this Sunday. Pretty confident I'm staying in Ada. However, rumor has it I may be getting moved to another proselyting area in Ada, which never happens hardly. The new elder that just came in has only been in the area for two weeks, and his companion is finishing his mission next week. President's thinking about sending me to the other area to help out the new elder in learning the area. I'll be sad to leave Elder Tanner if that's the case. We'll know by next week. Anyway, love y'all, and have an awesome week!

Elder Garner

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