Friday, December 12, 2014


Christmas is going to be here before I know it! And then it's 2015! In Oklahoma the fog is setting in with not a whole lot of snow! We could be having a winter foggy land this Christmas. 

Well, this update's going to be pretty short. I got hit with wintertime sickness, so I got to spend a couple days looking at the ceiling. Not that looking at the fog outside would have been much more helpful anyway. Fortunately I recovered pretty quick. We spent a lot of time finding using the He Is The Gift Initiative. The Youtube takeover started yesterday! Publicity all over youtube! We've also gotten to see a lot of our recent converts this week. Amazingly enough, Rusty, one of our investigators, called us and wanted to meet with us. He's getting close to rock-bottom. His job doesn't have anything left to do, so he could be moving out of his house and looking for a place to live. He wasn't there, so we didn't see him. We tried him throughout the week, but to no avail. 

We had an amazing finding miracle in the glitzy ritzy neighborhoods of Ada! We found a guy while knocking on doors the other day, who we found out works for one of the local radio stations in Ada. We gave him a He Is The Gift card and asked him to share a message. Though he was not interested, he told us the next time he went in the the radio station he would mention the He Is The Gift initiative for us!  

Thursday was pretty wild. It was super foggy that day. We went out with a member and I thought we were going to die! We had a couple appointments that we had planned, but they fell through. Something else was calling for our attention, however. There was a struggling family in the ward in need of some guidance. The bishop called us and the sister missionaries and asked us to see to the family's needs. When we got there, we gathered up everyone in the family and one by one gave each of them a priesthood blessing, totalling 7 blessings and 1 anointing. I am so filled with thanks for being prepared for that moment! There's no doubt the Lord had other plans for us that night.

And as everyone knows, we had the Christmas Devotional on Sunday. We met as a ward an hour beforehand and had desserts. The devotional was so powerful! I especially loved D. Todd Christofferson's talk. Next week we have our ward Christmas party and then our Mission Christmas Conference a few days later, both of which we are very excited for. Christmas is getting nearer!

Elder Garner  

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