Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Walks Down Nostalgia Avenue (11/10/2014)

I thought "Memory Lane" was way too I went with Nostalgia Avenue. It's an English vocabulary thing combined with an urban planner thing I suppose.

And speaking of which, that starts off this update. We made several trips to East Central University this week, the local university in Ada. The sisters are working on getting a club started there to get the gospel spreading throughout the university. On Mondayall six of us went with an investigator that's a student there to the student center and played Pool there. Since we can't proselyte on campus we were fortunate enough to have people stop and talk to us about our beliefs, which was pretty cool. It threw me right back into my BYU days. Haha, ECU's a playpen next to BYU though! Awe man...funny. 

During Pool we got invited to the Baptist Student Union lunch that next day, so we went to that on Tuesday. The food was so good! And they feed lunch to everyone! So we might make that a weekly thing, hopefully. Earlier that day we were knocking doors in the rain and it was so cold! Winter's creeping...guh. And it's supposed to snow sometime this week. Luckily, Mercy Hospital had a nice shelter for us to sit under while we waited for our ride to the college. It's called Mercy Hospital for a reason!

On Wednesday we helped the Lemmerts, the new senior couple, buy a new couch! We went with the Gatchells, the housing couple, and the Lemmerts to Ashley Furniture and got to test out all the mattresses and sofas! All the fun aside, we even had one of the workers ask us about our church! So we had a good discussion with him for about 45 minutes! Seeds planted in the furniture store! It was a neat experience. 

Thursday we helped out the sisters with their booth, which lasted for a while. The sisters and the other elders got in a bash with one of the students. Elder Fuller and I were waiting in the car, so we didn't see any of it happen. The LDS club will definitely be an item of hot topic for people at the university. Later that day we had a good discussion with one of our investigators about humility and prayer, reading out of 3rd Nephi 3. It talks about the change that the Nephites had to make in order to stand up against the Gadianton robbers to protect their rights and liberties. This investigator in particular talked about his need to pay off physical and spiritual debts and his need for the word of God. He's got a ways to go, but we're continuing to work with him.

On Friday we got to spend some time with the Pauls Valley Zone Leaders. We even had to make a trip to their area in a town called Stratford, which I used to cover while I was in Sulphur. We met up with the Zone Leaders at a member's house, and OH I wanted to say hi to the member! The temptation was so And today we're going to Pauls Valley for zone p-day, meaning, more walks down Nostalgia Avenue! 

It's interesting how much the gospel blesses other people, even if it's in the most roundabout way. As one such as our investigator tries to pays off physical and spiritual debts, he learns that he can accomplish both by learning about the gospel and about Jesus Christ. Got problems? Remember the gospel! 

Elder Garner 

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