Tuesday, September 9, 2014

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens (09/08/2014)

Recently I've been reading in the scriptures about the stories of Alma preaching the word of God to the people in the land of Ammonihah. Often throughout our lives we have a plan to accomplish something, but then it doesn't turn out quite the way we expected. Sometimes it fails altogether, we start over, and another opportunity arises. Alma had plans to preach the gospel to the people of Ammonihah, but was reviled and cast out. When told to go back to the city through another door, he ran into Amulek, who then became his comrade in crying repentance to the people. Zeezrom's livelihood as a lawyer becomes threatened by Alma's influence to do good, he bashes with Alma to try to confound him and catch him in his words. Such subtle notions did not work in Zeezrom's favor. Alma and Amulek remain diligent and persistent throughout women and children being burnt, them being incarcerated, and going several days without food or water. 

I'm sure it was not Alma and Amulek's plan to go through all that, but no matter what happened, God had a plan for them, and he opened a door for them to enter. Ultimately, God's plan worked out.

With a new transfer upon me I got to witness that in my area as Elder Wilkes left and Elder Garcia came in. Vince and Shelby, our investigators, shipped out to Dallas, Texas with little notice. We were sad to see them go, but we have opportunities for missionary work waiting for us here in Altus. 

With transfers taking up most of our week, here's what else happened: We helped NOT Sister Thomas with moving, but rather we helped Sister Nelson, the sister that introduced us to Vince and Shelby to begin with. When we finally finished moving her out/in, we took a break, and I gave Sister Nelson a high-five. I forgot she has bad arthritis! I felt so bad...it was a pretty hard high-five... When she clutched her hand in pain I thought she was going to fall over and croak! Luckily she was cool about it, and she even said her wrist felt better after all the pain was gone! What a relief... 

On Thursday we went over to Operation Care to introduce the new guys to the staff. They decided to play a joke on the new guys by acting mean and rude to them... Angela got up in our face and started chewing us out for not arriving on time, and Shirley even brought her taser! But we couldn't keep straight faces, so all that lasted for about 60 seconds. Finally we gave up the joke and went right into meeting everyone and doing service. Oh goodness... I love Operation Care and all their hilarious staff members.

On Saturday we biked and tracted in the rain for a couple hours. It was my first time using my winter jacket since last winter! We met a lady named Wanda that invited us right on in to talk with her! We couldn't actually go inside, but it was a great finding miracle for us. The rain was well worth it. I know more doors will open up this transfer. New companion, new ward mission leader, new transfer, something's bound to open up. Let's see what happens!

Elder Garner

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