Monday, May 19, 2014

Crossing the Line (05/19/2014)

I don't think I've ever done so much service in one week! Other than tornado cleanup last year, of course. We had several opportunities this week to help out the community and ward members with individual needs. We get called upon almost everyday this past week to help out with one project or another. We helped shovel dirt, move sheetrock, move a family out of the ward, and give blessings to the sick. 

On Monday we had an incredible specialized training from our zone leaders about the costs of discipleship in reference to Elder Holland's talk this past General Conference. The sister training leaders gave a training about Alma and how the Anti-Nephi-Lehies chose to bury their weapons on war. Earlier on, they had merely set them on the shelf with the thought in the back of their minds they could potentially wield them again at a moment's notice. They eventually chose to bury their weapons altogether. It made me think about things I had that needed to be moved from the shelf to the ground. The sisters gave us a challenge to find something we as missionaries were holding onto and to burying that thing--abstract or concrete. It sure can be tough making sacrifices, but it's all out of love for the Lord.

Tuesday was a little unusual for a missionary. We spent most of the day apartment hunting... That just gave me a scope into the future! *Scary* The housing couple at the mission office told us to start looking for apartments to make way for the sister missionaries that are coming in to Mustang 1st this summer. This Wednesday the housing couple will come out with us and tour apartments with us and talk about the options. Our niche of living with three other elders will soon come to end... 

On Wednesday we met our "baptismal referral's" mother, Whitney. Wyatt is her 8-year old son that she wants baptized. She is very less-active and does not intend to give up smoking, although she loves the teachings of the church and the gospel. She very much wants her son to be baptized. The real test for commitment, however, is getting her to come church with her son. We had a lengthy chat with Bishop Robertson, the bishop of the Mustang 2nd ward, who told us everything to watch out for with Whitney and Wyatt. Whitney's mother lives in 2nd ward, and Whitney insists on going to 2nd ward so she can be with her mom...even though they live in 1st ward. So now there could potentially be a feud between the Mustang 1st and 2nd wards... It's been a rather interesting situation. The members tell us one thing about Whitney and Wyatt, but then when we teach Wyatt they act totally different than what everyone else is telling Elder Bolan and I... Everyone says Wyatt is "special needs with a capital 'S'" and that Whitney is "non-committal and hot and cold." On Saturday we taught the Restoration, and they seemed opposite of everything people told us about them. 

So now we hold our breath and proceed. We are praying for the power to handle Whitney and Wyatt's situation gracefully! Thursdaycame and went. One year came and went just like that. We "celebrated" by going to a Japanese Hibachi restaurant called Wasabi. Ha. It was all I could do not to choose McDonald's or Wendy's yet stay on the cheap side! Anyway, great day of remembering my first day in the MTC, meeting Elder Hoddy for the first time, saying goodbye to mom and dad... 

Friday was pretty sweet! We left our area and went to five different areas! With permission, of course... We helped a member get stuff from his grandparents' house over in the Moore 1st ward area (1). To do that we had to jut across the OKC 2nd ward (2). Later on that day we went out with Brother Tonay, our 2nd Counselor in the bishopric to see Brother Wray, and member that lives clear out in the middle of nowhere! So of course we drove through Mustang 2nd ward boundaries (3), then we had to cut through the corner of Anadarko branch's boundaries (4) to get to Brother Wray's house. We had a really spiritual visit with him and gave his mom a blessing! Afterwards we drove over the boundary and went through OKC 5th ward boundaries (5!) and got on I-40 to get home. We saw some of the damage from the tornado that hit in El Reno almost a year ago. Tornadoes seem to be hiding out this year.

Elder Bolan and I love this area! And we love this work! Have a fantastic week y'all!

Elder Garner   

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