Thursday, March 20, 2014

Early Birthday Presents (03/17/2014)

Out of all the weeks I've been here in Mustang, this week was by far the best! Elder Bolan and I had so many amazing miracles happen in our missionary work! We at last finished up organizing our area, and this past week we taught a lot of Restoration lessons with new investigators and met a lot of people in the ward we hadn't met yet. We had several inactive members come to church this week, which was a plus.
Earlier this week we helped move in a new family from Utah! We're throwing them into the world of member missionary work, and they seem to really enjoy it. They're feeding the four of us on Thursday, so we're pretty excited about that. We met some pretty awesome inactive families, and we're looking forward to working with them and hopefully seeing them at church! Our part member family work is going really well! We got to teach an autistic 10-year old boy named Matthew the Restoration. My first time teaching someone that young! Earlier that day we get to teach a man named Greg who had some questions about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith. We had some great spiritual experiences as we testified to him about the restored gospel!
We taught another guy named Alex, 19, who Elder Bolan happened to meet at Burger King while he was on exchanges with Elder Woodward. Too bad I wasn't there for that . . . but Alex is an awesome kid. He's basically a 19-year old version of Joseph Smith! He had a religious crisis in high school, and he's looking for answers. We had a powerful lesson with him and set a baptismal date with him for the end of April. Being close to the same age as him, we were able to relate with him really well. We're excited to teach him more.
On Saturday night we had an awesome dinner with an inactive member, and we got to spend time with her whole clan. But then the 1st counselor in the bishopric called me and dropped a bomb on me by asking me to speak in sacrament the next day. Happy birthday to me! With an hour or so to prepare that Sunday morning, I ended up spending 15 minutes on my talk the next morning in sacrament. I spoke on repentance and the atonement of Jesus Christ. I was very much guided by the spirit throughout that talk, so I had a lot of gratitude for the Lord by the end of the talk! And then later on that night we got our transfer news. Elder Bolan and I, as expected, are staying together for another transfer here in Mustang, which both of us are happy about. One of the elders in my district is getting reassigned languages, and he's going to be speaking Marshallese! Elder Davis, one of my roommates, is going to the very bottom of the mission in Seymour, Texas. Elder Zeyer, my previous companion, is the new zone leader in my zone, so I'll get to spend more time with him as one of his underlings. Ha. Elder Bolan and I are excited to be here for another transfer and to get some work done! With our area up to par with organization and a good group of investigators, we're going to have some progress made this next transfer! Stay tuned for more miracles in Mustang!

Elder Garner

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